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Everything posted by D0431791

  1. I have tested the case setting a single block; it works fine. However, the case swapping two blocks failed; neither blocks are changed. zbt=zb[i]; zmt=zm[i]; if(!world.isRemote){ world.setBlock(zx[i],zy[i],zz[i],zb[j],zm[j],2); world.setBlock(zx[j],zy[j],zz[j],zbt,zmt,2); } Is it solvable?
  2. This problem may be found in many released mods. The function world.setBlock is called by updateEntity function of a TileEntity. I have tried the three set of codes below: world.setBlock(x,y,z,Blocks.packed_ice); world.setBlock(x,y,z,Blocks.packed_ice,0,2); world.setBlock(x,y,z,Blocks.packed_ice,0,3); However, sometimes world.setBlock is not successful. When it is not successful, only the texture of the block changes, but the block is not changed; the player can right click the block to change the texture back. I also have tried repeating setting block until the block is indeed changed, but it does not solve the problem. What is the real solution on earth?
  3. Now I can see the effect. The code looks like this now: public static Vec3 getSpeedPartByWater(Entity x,World xworld){ Vec3 y=Vec3.createVectorHelper(0d,0d,0d); AxisAlignedBB zaabb=x.boundingBox.expand(0d,-0.40234375,0d).contract(0.001D, 0.001D, 0.001D); int i1=(int)Math.floor(zaabb.minX); int i2=(int)Math.floor(zaabb.maxX)+1; int j1=(int)Math.floor(zaabb.minY); int j2=(int)Math.floor(zaabb.maxY)+1; int k1=(int)Math.floor(zaabb.minZ); int k2=(int)Math.floor(zaabb.maxZ)+1; if (!xworld.checkChunksExist(i1,j1,k1,i2,j2,k2)) {return y;} int i,j,k; Block zblock=null; for(i=i1;i<i2;i++){ for(j=j1;j<j2;j++){ for(k=k1;k<k2;k++){ zblock=xworld.getBlock(i,j,k); if(zblock==null){continue;} if(zblock.getMaterial()!=Material.water){continue;} if(j2<j+1-BlockLiquid.getLiquidHeightPercent(xworld.getBlockMetadata(i,j,k))){continue;} zblock.velocityToAddToEntity(xworld,i,j,k,x,y); } } } if(y.lengthVector()>0&&x.isPushedByWater()) { y=y.normalize(); y.xCoord=x.motionX*0.15+y.xCoord*0.0119; y.yCoord=x.motionY*0.15+y.yCoord*0.0119; y.zCoord=x.motionZ*0.15+y.zCoord*0.0119; } return y; }
  4. Entities can be pushed by water. How to get the speed part pushed by water? The code is expected as below: public static Vec3 getSpeedPartByWater(Eneity x){ Vec3 y=㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣; ㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣ ㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣ ㊣㊣㊣㊣㊣ return y; } example : make a player move 2x in water Vec3 playerSpeedPartByWater=getSpeedPartByWater(player); player.moveEntity(player.motionX-playerSpeedPartByWater.xCoord , player.motionY-playerSpeedPartByWater.yCoord, player.motionZ-playerSpeedPartByWater.zCoord);
  5. Now some components can be generated. The basic code looks like this: public class _SS extends StructureStart{ public _SS(World xw,Random xr,int xx,int xy,int xz){ StructureComponent yy=new ComponentScatteredFeaturePieces.DesertPyramid(xr,xx,xz); components.add(yy); boundingBox=new StructureBoundingBox(xx-80,0,xz-80,xx+80,255,xz+80); yy.buildComponent(yy, components, xr); generateStructure(xw, xr, boundingBox); updateBoundingBox(); } } Using new _SS(xw,xr,xx,xy,xz); can create a Desert Temple without the underground chest room. However, we need to do advanced researching for how to correctly create the full structure for indivisual structures.
  6. It seems that every StructureComponent generates before its location is visited. Now I want to make a mod that generates a StructureComponent in explored area. Example : Steve places a "Desert Temple Sapling" in visited ocean and lets it grow a desert temple. I have tried buildComponent, but nothing was generated. The search engines only gave me unrelated information, like how to add a new village house type. How to make such "Desert Temple Sapling" works?
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