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  1. Up until now, I've been testing my mods by using "Run->client" in the NetBeans alt-click menu. What do I need to do to properly simulate a client-server situation? I've seen the "run->server" option used several times, but no tutorials I've found have demonstrated how to set it up. When I've clicked "run->server" previously, it tells me I need to agree to the EULA, but I can't find where that's located in my files.
  2. Well, there's this: FMLNetworkEvent.ServerConnectionFromClientEvent Fired at the server when a client is about to connect Which MAY work. The server would store the list, and if the client is "owned" by a non-whitelisted identity, then you may be able to kick said person using this event.
  3. Okay, thank you. I had suspected it was something like that, but a lot of this network stuff is pretty head-spinning for me.
  4. I'm trying to use TGG's MinecraftByExample code to figure out some things for 1.7.10. Right now, I'm having trouble with some of the code in the network messages content. https://github.com/TheGreyGhost/MinecraftByExample/blob/master/src/main/java/minecraftbyexample/mbe60_network_messages/MessageHandlerOnClient.java#L50 Above is his class, and when I pull it into a 1.7.10 environment, it doesn't like line 50. What should I be using there for a 1.7.10 version of his code? The rest of the code in the class doesn't show any errors at the moment.
  5. Try this: http://jabelarminecraft.blogspot.com/p/minecraft-forge-172-creating-custom.html
  6. Update: I've managed to "solve" the problem. I figured out that it was only affecting blocks that had defined light values, so by removing those traits from my blocks, I've managed to fix the rendering problem in regards to my blocks. At that point, it was still bugging OTHER lit blocks like Glowstone and Redstone Lamps, so I eventually managed to figure it out by removing the luminosity trait from the liquid itself. This is a pretty annoying way to have to "fix" this problem, I'd really like for those values to NOT cause rendering issues.
  7. It only does it to 3 of my own blocks: "BasicBlock", "Tutorium Furnace", and "Mining Charge". It doesn't appear to do it with vanilla blocks, at least not the ones I tested. Each has their own class, but the BasicBlock class was from a tutorial on making generic blocks without specific functions. I've only messed around with the specific overrides for the fluid and for the BasicBlock class, thinking resolving that case would make it a bit more obvious what to do. And yes, that is the custom fluid, I'm just stealing the water texture for now. All of the fluid is source-blocks, the error disappears when the fluid is running, IE, a flowing fluid will not cause the same glitch, only faces of the particular blocks that are in contact with source-blocks will render invisibly. http://i1200.photobucket.com/albums/bb321/Exo594/2015-09-21_19.58.50_zpsypwmph2b.png[/img] I've tested it with a lot of other random vanilla (and Thaumcraft) blocks, but none of them suffer the same glitch. I've got "my" two ores there, the Mining Charge block, the Tutorium Furnace block, "my" 2-input machine, the one block made from "my" Basic Block class, and a sampling of vanilla blocks. Those are all the blocks I've made for this "mod", too. In this screenshot, I've got code in my Basic Block class for overriding the OpaqueCube, NormalBlock, RenderType, and even the shouldSideBeRendered and isBlockSolid functions. I believe my current GitHub push has those shown, but I've been fiddling around with those specifics without updating GitHub. I hope this gives you enough to go on.
  8. I've attempted to create a custom fluid following the tutorial given at the wiki for 1.7.2: http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Create_a_Fluid I'm having an issue where placing my fluid source block next to certain other of my blocks will cause the solid blocks to render with the sides touching the liquid invisible, causing an x-ray glitch. I've attempted to solve this problem by explicitly calling some of the rendering functions in my "BasicBlock" class, which didn't work. Changing the extension on the fluid block from "BlockFluidClassic" to "BlockLiquid" fixes the rendering issue, but I want a flowing liquid, not a motionless goo. Here's the code for my custom fluid: https://github.com/Exo594/TutorialWork/blob/master/src/src/main/java/com/exo594/tutorial/block/BlockTutoriumSolution.java And here's the code for my custom block, attempted overrides and all. https://github.com/Exo594/TutorialWork/blob/master/src/src/main/java/com/exo594/tutorial/block/BasicBlock.java
  9. IntelliJ's probably #2 most common when it comes to modding IDEs. I'm using NetBeans, ffs. http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php?topic=21354.0
  10. Wow, a whole hour at just above min. wage. Look at boats or see if Archimedes Ships has a public source code.
  11. I am unable to get the entity associated with my TNT-like block to render in-world. I've looked at tons of examples on how it's been done previously and an equivalent number of "Help Me" topics, but nothing's worked for me yet. I've even attempted to use the vanilla TNT rendering code in the registry, to no avail. I know the entity is "alive", because it's dropping due to gravity and is exploding properly. Here's my code bits: Rendering Class, mostly copied over from vanilla RenderTNTPrimed Class. https://github.com/Exo594/TutorialWork/blob/master/src/src/main/java/com/exo594/tutorial/ExplosiveRender.java Entity for the TNT-clone. https://github.com/Exo594/TutorialWork/blob/master/src/src/main/java/com/exo594/tutorial/entities/EntityMiningChargePrimed.java ClientProxy Class, register for Rendering the entity is on line 33. https://github.com/Exo594/TutorialWork/blob/master/src/src/main/java/com/exo594/tutorial/ClientProxy.java Main class, Entity registry for TNT entity is on line 85. https://github.com/Exo594/TutorialWork/blob/master/src/src/main/java/com/exo594/tutorial/Main.java Block Class, just in case you need that. https://github.com/Exo594/TutorialWork/blob/master/src/src/main/java/com/exo594/tutorial/block/MiningCharge.java At time of edit: I've placed systemout statements in my doRender and RenderPrimedTNT methods, and it appears that they're not being triggered at all. I had assumed from the examples I'd seen that doRender was called by some skeleton class in Forge or FML, or even in Vanilla code, but I guess not. I've attempted to call it from my Entity class when the entity updates, but it bitches at me about static and non-static contexts.
  12. After changing out the recipe locations, shifting around the way my ArrayLists were called to ensure the HashMap was constructed properly, and implementing the .getItem() bits, I am pleased to say that everything works properly now. Thank you both for your help.
  13. This might be totally obvious, but how do I get around that issue? If I put these: addMashingRecipeWithTwoItems(ModItems.tutorialItem, Items.bread, new ItemStack(ModItems.tutoriumLoaf)); addMashingRecipeWithTwoItems(Items.iron_ingot, ModItems.tutorialItem, new ItemStack(ModItems.craftingPendulum)); addMashingRecipeWithOneBlock(Blocks.glowstone, Items.diamond, new ItemStack(ModItems.tutoriumGrenade, 1)); inside another method, and then call that method in the same place that I call my shaped, shapeless, and smelting recipes from, would that take care of the issue?
  14. Line 33 of IngotMasherRecipes is this: addMashingRecipeWithTwoItems(ModItems.tutorialItem, Items.bread, new ItemStack(ModItems.tutoriumLoaf)); Which is part of this: private IngotMasherRecipes() { addMashingRecipeWithTwoItems(ModItems.tutorialItem, Items.bread, new ItemStack(ModItems.tutoriumLoaf)); addMashingRecipeWithTwoItems(Items.iron_ingot, ModItems.tutorialItem, new ItemStack(ModItems.craftingPendulum)); addMashingRecipeWithOneBlock(Blocks.glowstone, Items.diamond, new ItemStack(ModItems.tutoriumGrenade, 1)); }
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