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Sakuya is my waifu

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Everything posted by Sakuya is my waifu

  1. i didn't use his code, just to be bit more organized i created new class where i register all of my tileentities... and it works fine
  2. so that's the error i'm getting every time i try to place my tile entity block in the world. i know it needs to be registered... but how you cant just put "GameRegistry.registerTileEntity..." ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ can anyone tell me how? ~thanks
  3. so i was playing around and writing some json models and i found out that you cant do "cube" rotations on multiple axes (like 45 y + 45 z) and also you if you use other than (-)45 or (-)22.5 your model won't load... any ways to "fix" that? >.< ~Thanks
  4. I really don't understand TESR ; - ; any other ways ?
  5. So if i use TESR I won't need Blockstate and .json model, right? And what if I just create new .json files with y axis rotations, and make block class change model every tick, let's say 5 rotation changes per 90deg. animation won't be smooth... any ways to fix that?
  6. I just want to add simple rotation to the custom block model. After digging into minecraft files, i found out that actual animated "blocks"(Ender Crystal, Chest) don't have .json models neither blockstates. I tried messing around with codes and nothing ; - ; does anyone know how to animate .json files? ~Thanks
  7. you add recipes in your main item/block class (in init package for me) where you registered your item for example: public static void register(){ GameRegistry.registerItem(youritem, youritem.getUnlocalizedName().substring(5)); GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(youritem), new Object[] {"SSS","SSS","SSS", 'S', Blocks.dirt}); }
  8. I was just wondering is there a way to implement "materials"(textures) from 3d modelling softwares (Blender, C4D etc.) it gives you tons of customization. Water and cloud texture would look awesome, and glass with actual refraction... 「(°ヘ°)? It's nothing I really need rn, but it'd be good to know for future. ~Thanks
  9. Found it! Its called GuiOvelayDebug, lets see what i can get out of it (ノ・ェ・)ノ
  10. Is there any way to get Information that F3 says for example eye position, biome you're in or the way player is facing? ~Thanks
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