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Everything posted by Atomos

  1. Ok that explains it then. I call minecraft.getminecraft.theWorld from my setblock method.
  2. My updated on right click: public ItemStack onItemRightClick(ItemStack Item, World world, EntityPlayer player) { double x = player.posX; double y = player.posY; double z = player.posZ; BlockPos playerLoc = new BlockPos(x,y,z); if (player.inventory.hasItem(Items.diamond)&&player.inventory.hasItem(Items.ghast_tear)) { if (!world.isRemote) { RoomData room = new RoomData(); room.width = 10; room.height = 4; room.length = 10; room.isIlluminated=true; room.roomValues.add(0); // room.roomValues.add(1); // room.roomValues.add(2); // room.roomValues.add(3); room.lightSpacing=5; room.center = player.getPosition(); StoneDungeon.Generate(StoneDungeon.CreateData(room,5)); } } else { if (!world.isRemote) { player.addChatComponentMessage(new ChatComponentTranslation("You do not have a catalyst or a flow source!",new Object[0])); } } return Item; } and my stoneDungeon class is in an earleir reply
  3. Are you creating a surface ore? If you are than perhaps you could create a method for your y coordinate that creates a blockPos list of all the blocks in the x z area that is randomized by your code, then iterate through it till the block type is grass, then add 1, and you should have it. Just a suggestion. Also, please know what you are saying before you post, it really helps everyone else.
  4. Ok, it is no longer crashing, but when i run it server side using !world.isRemote, the same thing happens as before. The blocks are not actually being created (it did however fix one of my other problems)
  5. what exactly would the negative signal do?
  6. And using if (!world.isRemote) just causes a crash
  7. I already know that I am running the method client side, but how am I supposed to run it server side? Here is my onItemRightClick method: public ItemStack onItemRightClick(ItemStack Item, World world, EntityPlayer player) { double x = player.posX; double y = player.posY; double z = player.posZ; BlockPos playerLoc = new BlockPos(x,y,z); if (player.inventory.hasItem(Items.diamond)&&player.inventory.hasItem(Items.ghast_tear)) { RoomData room = new RoomData(); room.width = 10; room.height = 4; room.length = 10; room.isIlluminated=true; room.roomValues.add(0); // room.roomValues.add(1); // room.roomValues.add(2); // room.roomValues.add(3); room.lightSpacing=5; room.center = player.getPosition(); StoneDungeon.Generate(StoneDungeon.CreateData(room,5)); } else { player.addChatComponentMessage(new ChatComponentTranslation("You do not have a catalyst or a flow source!",new Object[0])); } return Item; } And here is the stoneDungeon class: package dungeonGenerator.algorithms; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState; import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft; import net.minecraft.init.Blocks; import net.minecraft.util.BlockPos; import net.minecraft.util.ChatComponentTranslation; import java.util.*; import net.minecraft.world.World; import net.minecraftforge.event.world.WorldEvent; import net.minecraftforge.event.world.WorldEvent.*; import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side; import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; import java.util.*; public class StoneDungeon { public static int roomCount = 0; public static List<RoomData> CreateData(RoomData base, int roomsCount) { List<RoomData> output = new ArrayList<RoomData>(); output.add(base); BlockPos previousPos = new BlockPos(base.center); List<RoomData> previousRooms = new ArrayList<RoomData>(); List<RoomData> tempPreviousRooms = new ArrayList<RoomData>(); previousRooms.add(base); for (int i = 0;i<roomsCount;i++) { for (RoomData previousRoom : previousRooms) { for (int location : previousRoom.roomValues) { RoomData room = new RoomData(); room.height = base.height; room.width = base.width; room.length = base.length; room.isIlluminated = true; room.lightSpacing = base.lightSpacing; double x = previousRoom.center.getX(); double y = previousRoom.center.getY(); double z = previousRoom.center.getZ(); if (location == 0) { room.center = new BlockPos(x,y,z+previousRoom.length-2); room.roomValues.add(1); room.roomValues.add(random()); room.roomValues.add(random()); room.roomValues.add(random()); output.add(room); tempPreviousRooms.add(room); } if (location == 1) { room.center = new BlockPos(x,y,z-previousRoom.length+2); room.roomValues.add(0); room.roomValues.add(random()); room.roomValues.add(random()); room.roomValues.add(random()); output.add(room); tempPreviousRooms.add(room); } if (location == 2) { room.center = new BlockPos(x+previousRoom.width-2,y,z); room.roomValues.add(3); room.roomValues.add(random()); room.roomValues.add(random()); room.roomValues.add(random()); output.add(room); tempPreviousRooms.add(room); } if (location == 3) { room.center = new BlockPos(x-previousRoom.width+2,y,z); room.roomValues.add(2); room.roomValues.add(random()); room.roomValues.add(random()); room.roomValues.add(random()); output.add(room); tempPreviousRooms.add(room); } } } previousRooms.addAll(tempPreviousRooms); tempPreviousRooms.clear(); } Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer.addChatComponentMessage(new ChatComponentTranslation("Creating "+output.size()+" Rooms")); return output; } public static void Generate(List<RoomData> rooms) { //Define Variables for (RoomData room : rooms) { double x = room.center.getX(); double y = room.center.getY()-1; double z = room.center.getZ(); int dirUp = room.length/2; int dirSide = room.width/2; int height = room.height; int lightSpacing = room.lightSpacing; //Generate the floor for (int i = 0;i < dirSide;i++){ for (int j = 0;j < dirUp;j++) { setBlock (Blocks.stonebrick,new BlockPos(x+i,y,z+j)); setBlock (Blocks.stonebrick,new BlockPos(x-i,y,z+j)); setBlock (Blocks.stonebrick,new BlockPos(x+i,y,z-j)); setBlock (Blocks.stonebrick, new BlockPos(x-i,y,z-j)); //Set illumination Blocks if (room.isIlluminated == true) { setBlock (Blocks.glowstone,new BlockPos(x,y,z)); if (i%lightSpacing==0) { setBlock(Blocks.glowstone,new BlockPos(x+i,y,z)); setBlock(Blocks.glowstone,new BlockPos(x-i,y,z)); } if (j%lightSpacing==0) { setBlock(Blocks.glowstone,new BlockPos(x,y,z+j)); setBlock(Blocks.glowstone,new BlockPos(x,y,z-j)); } if (i%lightSpacing==0&&j%lightSpacing==0) { setBlock(Blocks.glowstone,new BlockPos(x+i,y,z+j)); setBlock(Blocks.glowstone,new BlockPos(x+i,y,z-j)); setBlock(Blocks.glowstone,new BlockPos(x-i,y,z+j)); setBlock(Blocks.glowstone,new BlockPos(x-i,y,z-j)); } } } } //set ceiling for (int i = 0;i < dirSide;i++){ for (int j = 0;j < dirUp;j++) { setBlock (Blocks.stonebrick,new BlockPos(x+i,y+height,z+j)); setBlock (Blocks.stonebrick,new BlockPos(x-i,y+height,z+j)); setBlock (Blocks.stonebrick,new BlockPos(x+i,y+height,z-j)); setBlock (Blocks.stonebrick, new BlockPos(x-i,y+height,z-j)); } } //Break out internals for (int i = 0;i<dirSide;i++) { for (int j = 0;j<dirUp;j++) { for (int k = 1;k<height;k++) { deleteBlock (new BlockPos(x+i-1,y+k,z+j-1)); deleteBlock (new BlockPos(x-i+1,y+k,z+j-1)); deleteBlock (new BlockPos(x+i-1,y+k,z-j+1)); deleteBlock (new BlockPos(x-i+1,y+k,z-j+1)); } } } //set left & right walls for (int k = 0;k < height;k++) { for (int j = 0;j < dirUp;j++) { setBlock (Blocks.stonebrick, new BlockPos(x+dirSide-1,y+k,z+j)); setBlock(Blocks.stonebrick, new BlockPos(x-dirSide+1,y+k,z+j)); setBlock (Blocks.stonebrick, new BlockPos(x+dirSide-1,y+k,z-j)); setBlock(Blocks.stonebrick, new BlockPos(x-dirSide+1,y+k,z-j)); } } //set up & down walls for (int k = 0;k < height;k++) { for (int i = 0;i < dirUp;i++) { setBlock (Blocks.stonebrick, new BlockPos(x+i,y+k,z+dirUp-1)); setBlock(Blocks.stonebrick, new BlockPos(x+i,y+k,z-dirUp+1)); setBlock (Blocks.stonebrick, new BlockPos(x-i,y+k,z+dirUp-1)); setBlock(Blocks.stonebrick, new BlockPos(x-i,y+k,z-dirUp+1)); } } //set doors if (room.roomValues.contains(1)==true) { deleteBlock(new BlockPos(x,y+1,z-dirUp+1)); deleteBlock(new BlockPos(x,y+2,z-dirUp+1)); } if (room.roomValues.contains(0)==true) { deleteBlock(new BlockPos(x,y+1,z+dirUp-1)); deleteBlock(new BlockPos(x,y+2,z+dirUp-1)); } if (room.roomValues.contains(3)==true) { deleteBlock(new BlockPos(x+dirSide-1,y+1,z)); deleteBlock(new BlockPos(x+dirSide-1,y+2,z)); } if (room.roomValues.contains(2)==true) { deleteBlock(new BlockPos(x-dirSide+1,y+1,z)); deleteBlock(new BlockPos(x-dirSide+1,y+2,z)); } } } public static void setBlock(Block type,BlockPos location) { World world = Minecraft.getMinecraft().theWorld; IBlockState blockState = type.getDefaultState(); world.setBlockState(location, blockState); } public static void deleteBlock(BlockPos location) { World world = Minecraft.getMinecraft().theWorld; world.setBlockToAir(location); } public static int random() { Random rand = new Random(); return rand.nextInt(4); } }
  8. Yes, I am calling it on client from my onItemRightClick function on a custom item. How do I call it from server side? (sorry if this is a noob question, i am more apt to c# then java)
  9. In my mod, I set a lot of blocks. However when I use the world.setBlockState(location, blockstate) command, the block is created, but is then deleted once i reload that world. When I delete blocks, a similar thing happens. That is, I cannot walk through the generated air, and the old blocks reappear on reload. My setBlock method is as follows: public static void setBlock(Block type,BlockPos location) { World world = Minecraft.getMinecraft().theWorld; IBlockState blockState = type.getDefaultState(); world.setBlockState(location, blockState); } and my deleteBlock method public static void deleteBlock(BlockPos location) { World world = Minecraft.getMinecraft().theWorld; world.setBlockToAir(location); }
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