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Everything posted by harison513

  1. Thanks, am I supposed to override Entity#createSpawnPacket with it? Like... @Override public IPacket<?> createSpawnPacket() { return NetworkHooks.getEntitySpawningPacket(this); }
  2. I've implemented IEntityAdditionalSpawnData in my entity class but neither writeSpawnData nor readSpawnData ever seemed to be called? @Override public void writeSpawnData(PacketBuffer buf) { buf.writeInt(test); } @Override public void readSpawnData(PacketBuffer buf) { test = buf.readInt(); No breakpoints are ever hit, nor is anything logged in the console if I try. Am I missing something?
  3. I'm trying to override CreatureEntity:canSpawn in my custom entity to prevent certain spawns, however even when I just return false the entities still spawn. I could be wrong but to me this line in WorldEntitySpawner::performNaturalSpawning doesn't make much sense (line 126): if (canSpawn == -1 || (canSpawn == 0 && d0 > 16384.0D && (mobentity.canDespawn(d0) || !mobentity.canSpawn(p_222263_1_, SpawnReason.NATURAL) || !mobentity.isNotColliding(p_222263_1_)))) { break label115; } About a 1/4 of the way in where it says d0 > 16384.0D. I believe d0 is the distance squared from the player to the attempted spawn location, so in this case it means if the distance isn't greater than 16384 CreatureEntity:canSpawn won't be called and it will just keep going about spawning the entity. Please let me know if I've missed anything.
  4. Alright, cheers for letting me know.
  5. @SubscribeEvent @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public static void registerRenders(ModelRegistryEvent event) { ModelBakery.registerItemVariants(ModItems.EXAMPLE_ITEM, new ModelResourceLocation(ModItems.EXAMPLE_ITEM.getRegistryName(), "inventory")); for (ItemType itemType : ItemType.itemTypes) { ModelBakery.registerItemVariants(ModItems.EXAMPLE_ITEM, itemType.itemModel); } ModelLoader.setCustomMeshDefinition(ModItems.EXAMPLE_ITEM, new ItemMeshDefinition() { @Override public ModelResourceLocation getModelLocation(ItemStack stack) { if (stack.getTagCompound() != null) { return new ModelResourceLocation(Mod.MODID + ":" + stack.getTagCompound().getString("ItemType"), "inventory"); } else { return new ModelResourceLocation(Mod.MODID + ":" + defaultTexture, "inventory"); } } }); } Here's an example of what I mean. You would register all the model variants for your item, then use the getModelLocation method to return a different model depending on itemstack properties. Apologies if that was unclear. This was for 1.12.2, not even sure if this was the correct way to do it, but I can't work out the way to do it for 1.13.2.
  6. Minecraft#player is client only, you should be getting the player from the event argument.
  7. Didn't know PlayerEvent.StartTracking existed so thanks, that has solved my problem.
  8. Can't find anything on 1.13.2 for this.
  9. I have a capability attached to an entity. It's saved to nbt when you exit the world. When I next load the world I want that capability to be synced to the client (after it has loaded the data back from the serialised nbt). I have tried sending a packet to the client using the EntityJoinWorldEvent, however, at this point the capability hasn't been attached to the entity on client, so the packet is useless. At what point can I send a packet to sync the client and server? Is this the correct way to sync the two on the world load?
  10. I am getting this error when trying to run the test server: java.lang.RuntimeException: Attempted to load class net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/Render for invalid dist DEDICATED_SERVER It is because of: private void registerRenders(ModelRegistryEvent e) { RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler(EntityTest.class, (RenderManager manager) -> new RenderTestEntity(manager)); } I thought using this might prevent that from happening but it does not: DistExecutor.runWhenOn(Dist.CLIENT, () -> () -> { MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.addListener(this::registerRenders); }); What can I do to prevent the server from trying to load client side classes?
  11. Thanks. I was thinking along the lines of sending a packet from server to client to then perform whatever action I needed.
  12. Is there a proper way to set up client side commands like there was in 1.12.2 with IClientCommand and ClientCommandHandler (something like that, can't remember off the top of my head) or do I need to just use packets to do it all? Thanks.
  13. Yeah sorry about the bump, won't do it again. But thanks nonetheless.
  14. I am testing out templates and am trying to write one to NBT to see the structure of the NBT tag, however, even though I am just loading a vanilla file, it always throws an out of range exception. Template template = server.getStructureTemplateManager().getTemplate(new ResourceLocation("minecraft:shipwreck/sideways_fronthalf_degraded")); NBTTagCompound c = template.writeToNBT(new NBTTagCompound()); Looking at the actual Template::writeToNBT method, it looks like here the first j is supposed to be an l, as in this case 'blocks' has only 8 items, but each of those items has 250+ plus inside them and looking at the surrounding for loops this seems to make sense. for(int l = 1; l < this.blocks.size(); ++l) { Template.BasicPalette template$basicpalette1 = list.get(l); template$basicpalette1.addMapping((this.blocks.get(j).get(j)).blockState, k); } Am I missing something here? I am just trying to write a vanilla template to NBT and it fails?
  15. I will have a look, cheers.
  16. Ok, yeah. I saw that there was an EnumCreatureType.create() method but all it does is throw an exception, so I am assuming it just hasn't been implemented yet?
  17. Is there a way in 1.13.2 to create a custom EnumCreatureType? Previously there was EnumHelper but that no longer exists I don't believe.
  18. https://github.com/sinkillerj/ProjectE/tree/mc1.13.x/src/main/java/moze_intel/projecte/network Try that.
  19. Wait, nope I am an idiot again. I wasn't looking at the 1.13 branch...
  20. ... oh. Errr yeah, I knew that was there... On another note, the packets inside that repo all implement IMessage but that interface doesn't appear to exist anymore (like it did in 1.12.2) nor can I find it anywhere else in the repo. Am I missing something else really obvious?
  21. Thanks a bunch.
  22. How has packet handling changed in 1.13.2, I cannot find any information on it. Previously you had to implement the IMessage interface and so on, but now that doesn't exist. Cheers.
  23. So I was wondering if there was a way to check that a path to a block for an entity would still exist after removing that block. E.g in my AI class: world.setBlockToAir(pos); // Check for path to block world.setBlockState(pos, originalState); I've tried this approach but it doesn't seem to work. Does the block not actually get updated until the next tick? And so still exists when I'm checking for a path? Or have I overlooked something and maybe this isn't really feasible? Thanks!
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