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Everything posted by gekku

  1. I think I may have worked it out. For every shape within the block you can use a different textureIndex using a sprite sheet. Then you can arrange the different textures for each side in the getBlockTextureFromSide method. It's a bit fiddly, but I think I may manage. I will try and make something and I may add a tutorial for others who are lost. I have always skinned my blocks, so I have never tried it this way.
  2. A new block with a custom shape. I have managed to get one rendered not using the TileEntitySpecialRenderer approach, but I am having trouble with the textures. Is there a way to use a different texture for each shape within a block? And can I use my own texture sizes (not using a sprite sheet)? I am just a bit lost as I am use to creating my own model extending BaseModel and renderer extending TileEntitySpecialRenderer which allowed texture offsetting, using textures with different sizes, and binding different textures. The approach I am trying to learn is creating a Renderer implementing the ISimpleBlockRenderingHandler interface. I have managed to get as far as rendering a block with multiple shapes. From here I would like to add a different texture for each shape or use an offset to reference a place within a texture to use for each shape.
  3. Hi All A question similar to this was posted elsewhere by another member, but I thought it would make more sense to have it here. Can anyone help me out with rendering custom blocks in the most recent Forge release? I am transferring over from ModLoader and I was using the TileEntitySpecialRenderer approach. My guess is that this approach is for blocks with special animations (like the MobSpawner)? I am interested in both approaches (the other one uses renderID). I am interested in the other approach to make custom block renderers without a tileEntity. Even if someone just posts their censored code I should be able to go from there. Thanks
  4. I third this. I have just transferred over from using ModLoader. I knew how to make custom block renders using the TileEntitySpecialRenderer in ModLoader, but I never learnt the other way using render IDs. Correct me if I am wrong, but from what I understand the TileEntitySpecialRenderer method is more for blocks with custom animations (like the enchantment table)? Hopefully a tutorial is added to the Generic Mod showing both methods with the most recent Forge release (they have been the best tutorials I have seen so far). Or, at least someone gives us something on here to get us moving. Thanks for anyone who helps us out with this (if anyone does, lol).
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