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Everything posted by 1Poseidon3

  1. Not sure what the policy is here on bumping but I'm gunna bump this thread because I really need an answer or some kind of lead or hint. Thanks again and sorry for bumping!
  2. So I did some snooping and I found out that that armor and color textures are hard coded right into the horse's .class file and that the chest and saddle textures are in the same .png file as the actual horse itself. Say I have different saddle types and I want a different saddle texture displayed on the horse for each saddle type. How would I go about doing that? I have the saddles created already but the code for saddles being hard coded into the horse is going to be a tough obstacle. I would also like to show a different texture on pigs as well when the saddle is placed on them. Any idea how to do that too? Thanks!
  3. I don't know if this is what you are looking for but I went back and found a similar thread that I remembered seeing. It's for 1.8.* but I don't think that will make much of a difference. Take a look. http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,34791.0.html
  4. Thanks for all the help guys. I'll try out all of the suggestions now that I have the chance and report back! Also, thanks for the information Choonster. I'll be sure to credit you. EDIT: I forgot to include this in the original post. Here's an error type thing I saw on startup in the console. Error
  5. Hey guys. This is more or less directed at Choonster since I used his framework from his test mod as the framework for rendering my models and there are some things I can't figure out and I'm hoping someone can help. Basically, none of the item or block textures are rendering in my inventory or when I hold them in my hand. Though, when I place the block the texture shows up on the block in the world. Why is this happening? It also cannot find the textures for the test liquid I created. I'll post all relevant file code below. Like I said, this looks a lot like Choonsters way of mod creation which I am borrowing to create my own mod. If you don't want me to use your mod framework then I can just start over. If I am allowed to use it, I'll credit you for the framework. Just thought I'd toss that in as a side note. TMModelManager.java TMItems.java TMBlocks.java TestMod.java ClientProxy.java I feel like those are all of the relevant files. I don't think there's anything wrong with the textures or .json files. If anyone could help out that would be awesome. Thanks!
  6. Like Diesieben said, post the code to all relevant .java files in spoiler and code brackets. That will help us out a lot in helping you.
  7. So if I wanted Glass Bottles and Buckets to pick up my own custom liquid, I would have to remake the ItemGlassBottle and ItemBucket to fit my liquids as well? Would this require the creation of a new, custom bucket and glass bottle item or not? If not, how would I make sure that normal glass bottles and buckets can pick up my liquid?
  8. But what is the difference between each of them? Why would I use and not use each of them. I currently have two of my items (which are glass bottles holding fluids) as public static ItemGlassBottle item_name instead of public static Item item_name . Should I have done this or shout I leave it as Item ? What changes does it make from Item to ItemGlassBottle or other corresponding Item definitions. EDIT: Same things for block creation. I'm trying to create a block that will act like air (invisible, untouchable, etc.). Would I use Block or BlockAir when I create it? What's the difference?
  9. So say I want to create a bottle that holds a liquid that can be used in crafting (similar to water bottles in brewing) and a bucket of the same liquid used to pick up and place source blocks of that liquid. When I create the item, would I want to use public static Item contatiner; , public static ItemGlassBottle container; , or public static ItemBucket container; ? WHat is the difference between each of them? How would they be used?
  10. @Choonster I don't understand your ModModelManager.java does or where that method that gets the textures is called. Could you please explain how it works so I can implement it into my own mod? I currently use .json files to load all of my textures in. How does it work for liquids? EDIT: Also on a side note, .setCreativeTab(); doesn't appear to work on liquids. Is there another way to do it instead?
  11. No, my code passes the Fluid to the BlockFluidClassic constructor. You're trying to pass the Block to its own constructor. OH. That's what I needed the entire time. That's what was causing it. I can't believe I misread that. Thanks!
  12. Declaration vs. Initialization vs. Assignment. Basic Java. Basic programming, really (although various languages will separate things a little farther, such as C* having separate declaration and definitions for functions). I was trying to do it like that because it's identical to the one below it which is the one you created (which also has no errors in it).
  13. Didn't this (public static BlockFluidClassic mercury_block_static;) create it?
  14. I don't know much about Miinecraft 1.8 biome creation but maybe it is because you are using WorldChunkManagerHell and not WorldChunkManager. Like I said, I don't know much but that might be it. EDIT: You also might want to disable BBCode in your post. It's making smilies inside the code.
  15. Sorry it took me so long. I had a busy weekend. Error PTFluids.java
  16. BlockFluidNoFlow is my own fluid block class, it's just a fluid that doesn't flow outwards. BlockFluidClassic and BlockFluidFinite are the fluid block classes provided by Forge. The doc comment on each class briefly explains what it does. ModFluids.createFluid creates and registers the Fluid instance (a singleton like Block and Item ) using the specified fluid name and texture name. The Fluid instance defines the physical properties of the fluid like luminosity, density and viscosity (explained in doc comments of the corresponding Fluid fields). ModFluids.registerFluidBlock receives the fluid's Block instance as an argument, sets its unlocalised name to the fluid's unlocalised name and registers it. The Block instance represents the fluid when it's in the world and actually implements the in-world behaviour corresponding to the Fluid 's properties (e.g. light level is controlled by the luminosity, flow speed is controlled by the viscosity). My code doesn't handle the Fluid already being registered by another mod. If a Fluid with the same name as yours (e.g. steam ) is already registered, you should use that Fluid instance and its Block instead of creating your own. I know BuildCraft has an example of this (for 1.7.10, but it should be the same in 1. . Edit: I wish 8 followed by a ) didn't turn into a smiley. Ok so this helped a lot and I've been following what your code does but I have encountered an issue that's really getting to me. Here's the code it's happening in: public class PTFluids { public static Fluid mercury_fluid_static; public static BlockFluidClassic mercury_block_static; public static Fluid fluidNormalGas; public static BlockFluidClassic blockNormalGas; public static Set<IFluidBlock> fluidBlocks = new HashSet<IFluidBlock>(); public static void registerFluids() { mercury_fluid_static = createFluid("mercury", "pt:blocks/mercury_still", false).setLuminosity(10).setDensity(1600).setViscosity(1); mercury_block_static = registerFluidBlock(new BlockFluidClassic(mercury_block_static, new MaterialLiquid(MapColor.grayColor))); fluidNormalGas = createFluid("normalgas", "testmod3:blocks/fluid_normalGas", true).setLuminosity(10).setDensity(-1600).setViscosity(100).setGaseous(true); blockNormalGas = registerFluidBlock(new BlockFluidClassic(fluidNormalGas, new MaterialLiquid(MapColor.adobeColor))); } For some reason, my custom liquid (mercury) is throwing an error in (new BlockFluidClassic(mercury_block_static, new MaterialLiquid(MapColor.grayColor)); I don't know why this is happening since it's identical to your original code except for the things needed to change for mine yet it is throwing the error saying the method is undefined. Any ideas why this is happening?
  17. I put that code in a new file but it's missing some things like FluidNoFlow and things like that. How exactly does this fluid creation work? I don't understand most of this at an initial glance because I am still relatively new to mod creation. Could you please explain how this works (if it isn't too much work for you)?
  18. This is really helpful. Thanks! Can you create all of your liquids in one class like I did with my blocks and items? Example below: EDIT: Another quick question: What does the gas stuff mean when creating a liquid?
  19. I have looked all over Google and everywhere else and I could not find a single accurate guide for 1.8 on how to add a custom liquid to the game. They were all in 1.7.10 and I know the way that you add custom items and blocks to the game is WAY different than it used to be so I assume it's similar for liquids as well. Does anyone have a guide they used or something? It seems that everyone but me knows how to make liquids for 1.8. Can someone explain? Thanks!
  20. Thank you. I ended up figuring that part out on my own but thanks anyways. I appreciate it! Also, thanks for the suggestions on Items.java and Blocks.java (when I make it). I didn't know that was a thing.
  21. So you're saying change this: To this?: Or move the Items.registerRenders() from CommonProxy.java to ClientProxy.java?
  22. So here's the thing, I was following a Youtube tutorial from a fairly trustable and popular Youtuber and lots of people had success with his tutorials. I on the other hand, did not. I followed his instructions to the letter (except for using my own item names) and still didn't get the end result. Instead of getting the ingot I was hopping to get, I got a block looking item (as if you were holding a Stone block) and it was covered in the usual purple and black checkered texture. I have no idea what I am doing wrong and I would like to know if someone can figure it out since I have tried for hours with no success. Here are my classes: PeriodicTable.java Items.java lithium.json ClientProxy.java CommonProxy.java That should about cover the classes that could be causing any problems. I have no idea what is causing my texture to not appear so if someone could assist me, that would be wonderful. Thanks in advance!
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