sweet this is excatly the kind of thing i was thinking
so... would it be possible for me to make a simple mod for my own small personal server?
of course i understand that a few more lines of code may be needed to determine when a player is in a certain biome
To start i appoligize if this is not where I am supposed to post this kind of thing I am new to this whole posting thing
second i have search for a mod that will do this idea and I can't find any thing that fits
and third I am not a modder but I am aware of the work that it takes to program anything!
so I do understand that this Idea may not be possible or may not be worth the work it may take
now on to the idea I have noticed in games like zelda that when you have like a mystical forest there are these floating
fuzzy dust things in the air
like in this picture: http://media.giantbomb.com/uploads/13/139979/2181873-lost_woods__majora_s_mask_.png
they serve no purpose but they add to the atmosphere and I was wondering how hard it would be to make a mod
that would add something like this to forest biomes
just small glowing fuzz balls floating through the air that do nothing but float and do not collide with the environment or player
they do not even have to put out light (I think if they put out light it would hog resources) I will mention that If
no one wants to bother with creating this kind of thing I understand but if they could post a link or something
pointing me in the right direction as to what I need to learn in order to do this I will look into it my self and
see if I can create something like this myself. again I apologize if this is posted in the wrong section or even wrong site!
i was unsure as to where i should be posting this kind of thing
basicly as a summary I was thinking of this as like a particle effect
my email address is: [email protected] if anyone needs it to contact me thanx