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Everything posted by NoonShadow

  1. Ok, so the code worked great, I successfully created a block that connects textures, however, I am not sure how to define the inventory model. I have an item model, but, I do not know how to get it to use that for the inventory model. Any ideas? Thanks so much ZeroNo, this has been a great help.
  2. The code that I looked at made sense for the pipe, but does it have to be that complex for a simple block? I am not sure that I completely understand how connected textures on a block would work. Would I have to make separate textures for each scenario and have it change models when a neighbor changes? All of the code that I can find the implements connected textures is for 1.7.10, so I have no clue how they did it to begin with.
  3. Ok, so I have looked all over the place for a tutorial on connected textures. I have gone and looked at the default fence code,but, that makes little to no sense at all. I have a reasonable amount of experience with programming and have gotten my hands dirty in model files and other aspects of item and block rendering, but this just seems to elude me. Anyone got some insight or tutorials that I could go read? Am I missing something insanely simple?
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