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Everything posted by Reslekan

  1. You can. Just create a package inside Eclipse, then drag and drop your textures into it - accessing them after with "/packagename/texturename.png" Requires no fiddling around and you can then edit directly without having to replace files or pop them in /bin or the minecraft.jar.
  2. Reslekan

    Learning Java

    I've personally used online resources the past few days, as well as browsed here to see how people had solved their problems, as more often than not they go through a step by step thought process in posts that can help you. I think another important thing I've found useful is to look at and play with the code itself between learning. Try to make some simple mods and set yourself a goal to achieve with each session.
  3. I'd spent some time playing with other methods but had little success bar altering damage levels and stack size. I think that event might be the answer, though my new arrival to Java and Forge leaves me uncertain after a good few hours fiddling with it and trying to implement anything. The problem I'm having is that I can't get the event itself running, more because I don't fully understand its operation even after reading the javadocs, intro to Events on the Minecraft Forums and the code itself. I'm getting there the more I play with code and test various functions ingame, I could just do with a little push on the usage of this particular event. I'm sure it's something glaringly obvious staring me right in the face... --- Edit: I eventually managed to get something working by reworking some of the shearing code, though it was incredibly sloppy and would never be suitable as it was. My understanding's growing at least, and I can see now how to use the event to my advantage. Thanks!
  4. I test them by simply typing /gamemode 0 As long as you start a creative world with cheats enabled, you can switch back and forth at will.
  5. Nice little mod so far! Loving your texture work on the insects and the Terrarium also serving to repair my new found friend is a nice touch aswell. For your grubs, another method of finding them could be perhaps having knots gen on trees, that you then harvest with a stick, similarly with mounds of earth for different types of bugs. Just a thought as I sit watching my bug bait grow. Looking forward to seeing where you go with it, and don't forget to update your version numbers
  6. Hello! Forgive my freshness in my stream of questions. I've only just started programming in Java and modding using Forge so I'm a bit green to it all, though have spent the past few days pouring over code, tutorials and the javadocs to get a few simple mods working. My question though is this: I've created a tool that I would like to be used on most mobs in the game, similar to shears though giving a different item in each case. From what I gather looking over the source, this interaction is handled in mobs class itself. Would I need to do base edits or is there an event that I can use for this? I've given a good look but can't see a way to it, so a point in the right direction or some confirmation would be greatly appreciated!
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