Then theres something wrong with my forge client. For you, at least it shows the status. My just keeps pinging forever.
UPDATE: Seems any forge client wont work. And my minecraft launcher is messed up. Reinstalling minecraft.
Yes, it only happens if you use the FORGE CLIENT.
Im testing it out on
Is the list of the mods required.
No Im trying to join 1.7.10 servers. Either ways, all servers are "pinging" and it never shows its status.
But it works when i go to another client, like 1.8 or 1.7
Alright. If your son doesn't know how to download forge, he most likely doesn't know how to use it. But ok, ill guide you.
1. Make sure you run the version your forge is based on at least once. So if you download forge 1.7.10, you have to run minecraft 1.7.10 at least once so it can download the components needed for forge 1.7.10.
2. After that, open the installer for forge 1.7.10. If it has an issue about java runtime, download the latest java here:
3. Choose client install (Should already be selected) and then click "OK", it should download.
4. After it says installed correctly, open minecraft and drop down profile at the bottom left.
5. It should have a new profile called "Forge". Click on it and run it to install the last few components of forge.
6. To access the mods folder, go to search and type EXACTLY: %appdata% Then press enter.
7. Click on the folder called: .minecraft
8. find the mod folder
9. Put your mods in. (Have to be your forge version! Which is 1.7.10 mods in your case)
10. Relaunch minecraft
11. DONE!!!
So I was adding mods to my forge and then tried to enter a server. Too bad all servers says "Pinging".
I waited for more than an hour and had enough. I tried to connect to one but it just says "connecting to servers..."
Thats the first stage of connecting before "logging on".
To make sure it wasnt my internet, I tried to log on the servers with my 1.8 client and it worked!
You can change it by posting more and more.
"Newbie" is an unofficial word meaning that your "new" or "inexperienced" at something. Often used in the internet, this word is a polite way of saying someone is new.
"World Shaper" Is just a made up phase that MOST LIKELY means a person who did something that greatly affected something. In this case, its posting alot in the forums.
What happened is that you have some kind of malware/virus that enables when you click on a link. I used to have it until i had a fresh reset which wiped out the virus.
It happens 10% of the time but that's alot if you think about it.
So before I started coding, I made sure everything was alright.
Of course it wasn't so heres what happened:
1. I started up minecraft. No crash. Well ok, so pre int was working well...
2. I went on to my creative tabs. It crashed. (Bad moment there!)
3. I restarted and tested all my items without going to creative tabs. No crash. So I guess its the creative tabs fault... but I tried it anyways.
4. I realised items and blocks were initialized after creative tabs, so I re-arranged the order.
5. Of course, it doesn't work. WHY SHOULD IT?
6. I could've read the crash log but I don't understand crash logs... they explain things very awkwardly.
7. I ask you for help.
Heres the crash:
If you want my source code, ask me.
Hm... Alright. With all your support im happy to say that i got my entire multitool working! Btw i defined everything in my multishard class, instead of my modded items class.
hm... what are you trying to do exactly?
If your trying to make modifications to CodeChickenCore then its not going to work.
If your trying to install CodeChickenCore, your doing the wrong thing.
Nvm I tried to make it public instead of protected, but it didnt work. Error still stayed the same. I realized that because all the other tools class are also protected, but they didnt get a constructor error.