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    I'm bad in english ^^

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  1. Haha Thank you Animefan8888! I've already found this method but I've overlooked the line with the inventory key ^^ Thanks anyway
  2. Why do you load your config this way now and no more as before? You should have the ability to update values with properties! Or do I misunderstand what? Please tell me exactly what you need, because I misunderstand many things!
  3. Hey choonster ^^ If you want to save something to your config when config changed event gets fired, you should compare the event modid with yours and in the if statement call the methods from your config class! And if you want a list with your config categories, you could do something like this (if you meant that): ArrayList<ConfigCategory> list=new ArrayList<ConfigCategory>(); for(String str:config.getCategoryNames()) list.add(config.getCategory(str)); Maybe that should also work with your config elements! Hope that helps
  4. Hi forge-community, I have a problem with my GuiContainer. My gui container has textboxes, but everytime I press my inventory key, my container closes. How would I prevent it from closing? :'( Rexozz ^^
  5. I'm not 100% sure now, but try to create a new instance of your data class everytime you try to load or save data instead of creating one field in your Event class! And make sure that you call it on the server and the client side!
  6. You should use the per world storage if you use different data for nether, end etc.! That makes everything a little clearer if you try to save data per world!
  7. Could you show where you call your MobEventsWorldSavedData?
  8. https://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/datastorage/worldsaveddata/ Did you read the documentation?
  9. Haha I'm so stupid ^^ I forgot to add the super constructor to initGui() and onUpdate()! But thank you anyway!!!!!
  10. Hey forge-community, Rexozz has another problem! (is kind of embarrassing to me) I wanted to create an Inventory for my entity but everytime I click a slot my inventory is acting totally weird! Sometimes I get the item from another slot or the item disappears or i can't do anything with the slot at all! I used the horse, villager and player classes as reference! Here the sources: My entity: http://pastebin.com/hfBrht4d My container: http://pastebin.com/4MrGqfax My GUI: http://pastebin.com/XZ1pmSaq My GuiHandler: http://pastebin.com/xxfGX35X Can someone help me please? (again) Rexozz ^^
  11. Either I'm really stupid or the "SubscribeEvent" annotation is really not needed here! public static void handleMessages(FMLInterModComms.IMCEvent event)
  12. Show some lines or methods you think they could be improved! I think, nobody would search through your entire code to correct or improve something! No offense!
  13. Yeahhhhh, got my computer to work! Now this is my result: Everything works perfectly! Thanks ^^ EDIT: If someone else has problems with this: 1. Copy the classes GuiWorldSelection, GuiListWorldSelection and GuiListWorldSelectionEntry to your mod and edit the drawEntry method in the GuiListWorldSelectionEntry class 2. Create an class that does this: (you could also use the InitGuiEvent like I, depends on what you want to do! When the events are called is really self-explanatory) And register the event in your client proxy or client side in your main mod or common proxy init method! 3. Here's the source for the event class: http://pastebin.com/w1E98q97 Don't know if there's an easier way but I hope it helps ^^
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