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Everything posted by Baender

  1. Forge: 1.7.10 - Launcher: Magic Launcher Custom arguments: -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:ParallelGCThreads=8 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=200 -XX:+UseCompressedOops -XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent=70 -Dfml.ignoreInvalidMinecraftCertificates=true -Dfml.ignorePatchDiscrepancies=true Allocated Memory: 2 GB Intro Hi guys! I have a really weird error for a while now and I want to know the reason for it. So I use a client with a lot of mods and configured a Forge Server for myself. The map of the Server is a very old map that my friends and I play for years now. I recently ported the map from 1.6.4. Error Sometimes if I want to join the server the client will crash. I am able to join, I will then see and empty world with or without some entities and the game will crash then. The server will also show an error, but I guess that this is nothing special. The crash is very weird, because most times I will be able to join the server successful if I load Minecraft again. I noticed that this crash will occur more likely in areas where we built something (speaking of midtown). If I join the server and my character is in an unpopulated area, the client will not crash most times. Most times means that it can occur, but there is no guarantee that it will happen and I am very thankful for that, because if you try it again and again you will be able to join the server successful. Logs fml-client-latest.log: https://gist.github.com/ErikSteiner/5ca2ad3261ef1cac48a4aed685110349 server log: Feel free to ask for more information. Thank you for your help!
  2. Ah thank you, this sound good. I was in fear that I have to do another porting session with MCEdit, if I want to update my server in the future, so I am happy with this. A bit off topic: I saw that by using the analyse feature of MCEdit, that there is a future block with the ID 0:1. I wonder what this could be. My old map contains a lot of those 0:xx blocks and at first I thought that the reason for this would be a broken map. But this 0:1 block is also in my new generated map..
  3. Hi guys, I am wondering what will happen if I update my current map from 1.7.10 to 1.8 or further. Currently in 1.7.10 forge handles block id's, so if I add a new mod some block id's will change or will be added. I realized that currently there are many modded blocks that have id's that will be used in future versions of vanilla minecraft. So now those blocks are book cases, printing presses etc, but MCEdit thinks that they are new blocks of MC 1.8 or 1.9: End blocks, structure blocks etc. So if I update my map in the future, do I have to change those modded blocks because they will change into future vanilla blocks in the future? Or will forge handle all this stuff and gives new introduced blocks of vanilla minecraft just another id?
  4. Ok I fixed the issue. At first I set up a forge server on 1.6.4. Copied the map of the Cauldron Server to the forge server and ran the map. I then copied the map to the forge server on 1.7.10 and found out that the mod Chisel caused the game to swap block ids. So back on the forge server 1.6.4 I removed chisel there, ran the map and after that I copied the map to the forge server 1.7.10. Now all blocks seem to be normal. The only thing that I need to do now is to change the block ids of the modded blocks in 1.6.4 to avoid their disappearance in 1.7.10. This can be achieved with MCEdit. Thank you anyway.
  5. Forge version: forge-1.7.10- log file: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=B5B41F19975E4CD6!108046&authkey=!AN_3fLjE9lxsBqw&ithint=file%2clog Hi guys, I have a problem to transfer my minecraft map from 1.6.4 to 1.7.10. I have to say that I tested it out one year ago and it was working, so I don't know what has been changed to forge or to my map. I have a modded Cauldron 1.6.4 server and in the mean time I set up a forge 1.7.10 server with all the mods that were used on my old server. My main problem at the moment is the issue, that in 1.7.10 some block ids shift to a different figure. This will result in an ice world, because air turns into ice. When I try to load the map in singleplayer, it will turn wooden planks to ice for instance. Is there anything I can do to port this map to 1.7.10 correctly? I mean I tried out to just load the map in 1.7.10 forge without any mod active and it turned out this way..
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