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Everything posted by GeoDoX

  1. You were being rude about it. I know I needed to research Tile Entity's, I was wondering if there was code to put me in the right direction, and your like NO. That's rude, especially coming into a thread that you havent posted in before.
  2. No, research Tile entities. This is all you need. No need to be rude about it, especially when you had no input on it in the first place.
  3. Any code on the direction of where to go, I kinda got confused after reading all of that And how would I store all the data? In an ArrayList? And when a block is successfully broken I want it to be removed from the list...
  4. What Im trying to do is after a player places a block, the block, located by its XYZ coords, is given an ID(int), aswell as who placed it(playername). Im sure I need to use the BlockPlaceEvent to do this, but Im not sure how I would give it an ID, and who placed it. Then after that when the block is broken, it needs to check the player's name that broke it and compare it to who placed it, if they match, the block is broken, if not, the block isnt. Any ideas how to do this? PS: This needs to be done for EVERY block placed.
  5. Would this be modifying Base Classes?
  6. any ideas?
  7. That's what I'm trying to find out how to do, I've thought of multiple ways of how to do it but I'm not sure how to do it.
  8. How would I go about Overriding Vanilla ore Gens, Iron to be more specific. What I'm trying to do is replace Iron Ore with my own Iron Ore, and have it gen instead of Vanilla's.
  9. Creating a Block minecraft modding forge http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Creating+a+Block+minecraft+modding+forge&oq=Creating+a+Block+minecraft+modding+forge&gs_l=youtube.3...4027.19026.0.19875.
  10. That's actually bad programming, very bad programming. Not to mention, it also wouldn't work. The vanilla ore would still generate, and mine would gen too. So I thank you for the reply, but I respectively decline. Your free to come back if you find the answer though! Anyone else?
  11. Hello Modders! I was wondering if there was a way to override (and not edit base classes) what Vanilla ore's drop? I've done hours of googleing and nothing came to results, so please dont tell me to google it or something related. If so could you point me in the direction of how to do that? Thanks in Advance!
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