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Everything posted by ReeCays

  1. Forget that mod! It would cost to much afford. I had another idea! Read this thread written by me: http://bit.ly/29yA517
  2. No one knows how to answer because they don't know how.
  3. For the guys that aren't as obvious what it should mean when you read it: You can make any type of Multiblock in any size until a chunk is reached and you give the Multiblock health. If you right click the Multiblock a GUI shows the health (and the status like half-broken or something). Everything of that is configurable (in the config, of course). When your self-made Multiblock dies it'll leave some random pieces of that Mb. Everything that you can edit in the config, just an example: NOM = nameOfMultiblock NOM.Health = 100 NOM.Size = 4 * 4 * 4 NOM.leftPiecesFromTop = < 50 % (NOM.leftBlocks = minecraft:cobblestone) It's a fun mod used in Creative Mode.
  4. Here's just one: Solid Entity/Multiblock Entity -Configurable in the config. Example: int Stone = S a=S+S+S "a" * "b" * "c" = multiblock... i dunno... b=S+S+S c=S+S+S
  5. why would i need to that, others could grab those ideas
  6. I use this for the template: https://github.com/Vazkii/Quark
  7. https://www.youtube.com/user/HyCraftLP/videos This guy is helping a lot more than any site.
  8. When I clicked on both pages :http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/ and https://shadowfacts.net/tutorials/ I was like "WTF? What know?" I clicked "Getting Started. After that I clicked "The Java Technology Phenomenon". Then "About the Java Technology". I'm like "What, that has nothing to do with Minecraft?". I quit that site. I go to the other one: "Oh, that looks simpler." I clicked 1.9...Overview. I clicked "Basic Blocks" cause there's nothing other left that would interested me. I'm understanding a tiny bit of that orange written code, but I've got some questions too: What's "this", "super" and "return". The white written code explains itself. I made one block with texture in 1.8 and later I also understood "blockstates". I looked @ it and I was thinking that it's boring cause you can't do anything with it. ShadowFact's library is too short but at least I learned nothing and wasted time ...again.
  9. I already had a workspace set up in 1.9.4 and everything was premade by me. I used some tutorials as a template and edited some code. I want to know how to open .class files to use them as templates.
  10. can someone explain how to open .class files on Eclipse
  11. i need help from someone like you if you're even coding.
  12. I got some very nice mod ideas but I can't convert them to real code. I'm too nooby and basic for that. I'd love to make them Minecraft reality but all of them "must" be written by a Master Coder because they're complicated and too extensive.
  13. still there
  14. Just open in a tab
  15. So again I want to know how to create a entity like I did in my pervious post. Every single YTVid with the tags "Entity", "Multiblock" or "TileEntities" are pretty useless. There isn't a vid that explains how to code a multiblock, only tileentities. I just want to start with a simple entity thats based on a zombie and than later on someone needs to explain how to make the AI. Don't send links. Send code or informations.
  16. What and where do I need to put the OreGen in this pile of code... http://pastebin.com/LJ2pJMzE
  17. So, I'm currently working on a basic mod. But it shouldn't all be basic. That's why I need help. I only want to make one armor piece, boots. And further... If you shift-right-click while you are wearing it, there need to be 3 slots to type in numbers, coordinates, and one slot that says "Ready!", so 4 slots. You can't write letters, only numbers. If every number slot is filled then the "program" works. If not you get an error ingame that says "Incorrect filled". When the "program" is running then you walk automatically (is that even possible?) to the coordinates that you typed. If you are in water the boots auto jumps for you, if you are stuck at a block that is in front of you they jump again. If you press any key they stop running. Maybe I also want to make some advanced boots that'll fly for you but only if you typed the coordinates. If you get stuck at a large wall they automatically calculate if you need to fly higher or deeper by knowing what is over my head and how far is it away. The boots should be blue, orange and yellow I really don't know how to do that all. If somene helps me with that, it would be perfect.
  18. Still don't know what to do.
  19. Could you link me to some of those tutorials?
  20. Oh nice, I realized that you are the guy that coded "Tools Compressor Mod". I didn't know that Mod Devs are also talking too, at this ForgeForum.
  21. elix: I know java a tiny bit, but I just don't understand how they are doing the advanced stuff like "Coke ovens" .... I've watched many tutorials but I didn't do anything like modding. I need someone who shows his coding skills live via Skype and than explain what he does. The MCVersion of my ForgeMDK is 1.8.
  22. I really need something visually, like a video or a picture. Otherwise i do not understand how to do this. And "tiffit", that was also my idea but HOW? I need to convert those ideas to code, but I don't know how to do that.
  23. Could anyone answer the following questions: Difficulty in my opinion: 1 = easy, 2 = normal, 3 = hard; Every question is about Minecraft-Modding/Coding - Those questions are about a mod that I'm about to create: Q1_2: How can I create a Multiblock? Q2_3: How can I let a mob attack a specific multiblock? Q3_1: How can I create a mob that flies on a specific height? Q4_3: How do I create a mob with a very realistic animation (like Mowzie's Mobs; without AnimationAPI) Q5_3: How do I let a mob spawn at a Multiblock when the Multiblock is done? Q6_2: How can I make a Container with specific, costumized slots with background? Q7_3: How can I make a spawner that doesn't look like a normal spawner that can spawn a created mob? The "Spawner" is made out of a Multiblock! Q8_3: How do I let the multiblock look like a TileEntity, so it isn't even a normal Multiblock with optical Blocks, but made out of physical blocks? Q9_2: How can I add an Updater to my mod, so I only need to put some files on a server? Q10_3: How can I add a block tha... just look here: http://pastebin.com/gjCzjHQA
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