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  1. Well i thought it would be something more complicated, anyway thanks.
  2. Hi, For my block and item registration i've used the same methods that Botania does. Everything is working except rednering block in inventory. I tried to look in Botania code to find where it is but I couldn't find it. There is a method "registerInventoryVariant", but i can't find any use of it in source code. Any tips how should I fix it? My source code: https://github.com/Eragoneq/Dungeonium-1.11 Thanks
  3. Yea, but it extends WorldGenerator like any other plant or something. Structures in vanilla uses MapGenStructure and I wanna do this the same way, but if no one can help I'll just stick with the WorldGenerator.
  4. Hi, I'm trying to generate some structures, but i'm not sure how should i do this. I know about two methods - using MapGenStructure or using WorldGenerator. First method i think is the one i should use, but it's really complicated. Can anyone show me some kind of example how should i start? Thanks
  5. You need to select a class of your mod. Just click on any of your classes, not .json or like on this screenshot, on .info file.
  6. I'm trying to generate structures from structure block data. I don't have any code prepared yet, just tried to understand how to use vanilla code. Anyone can help me how should I start and also comment if this is a good idea. I thought it's a lot easier to create a building in game and just copying it. [move]Thanks[/move]
  7. ItemStack[] aitemstack = AltarCraftingManager.getInstance().func_180303_b(this.craftMatrix, playerIn.worldObj); Yea, changing "CraftingManager" into "AltarCraftingManager" solved that problem I'm sorry I couldn't find so obvious thing
  8. So, I checked where am I decreasing and it was the crafting result slot class, which I just used without editing it. this.addSlotToContainer(new SlotCrafting(playerInventory.player, this.craftMatrix, this.craftResult, 0, 134, 48)); OK, so I need to make my own version of that class, I see it now I'll do it right now and I'll write if it works
  9. So, I'm posting my problem again, because i still haven't figured out how to fix my crafting: After crafting items in craft-matrix are still in, but they should disappear. I used mostly vanilla code so I don't know what should change to solve it. My code: https://github.com/Eragoneq/Lumium_Mod
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