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  1. Ok I found it out and if anyone ever need this here is how you can do it. 1. Go into net.minecraft.client.gui.FontRenderer.java 2. Find this function "func_175065_a" or the "drawString" function. 3. Add this code before the "GlStateManager.enableAlpha();" if ((Minecraft.getMinecraft().getNetHandler() != null) && (SomeThing == true)) { if (p_175065_1_.contains(Minecraft.getMinecraft().session.getUsername())) { p_175065_1_ = p_175065_1_.replace(Minecraft.getMinecraft().session.getUsername(), "NewDisplayNameForTheClient"); } } 4. Incase you have a empty name or nothing is in the Chat when you write something add this below: if (p_175065_1_.contains(Minecraft.getMinecraft().session.getUsername())) { p_175065_1_ = p_175065_1_.replace(Minecraft.getMinecraft().session.getUsername(), Minecraft.getMinecraft().session.getUsername()); } 5. So the complete Code would be: if ((Minecraft.getMinecraft().getNetHandler() != null) && (SomeThing == true)) { if (p_175065_1_.contains(Minecraft.getMinecraft().session.getUsername())) { p_175065_1_ = p_175065_1_.replace(Minecraft.getMinecraft().session.getUsername(), "NewDisplayNameForTheClient"); } } if (p_175065_1_.contains(Minecraft.getMinecraft().session.getUsername())) { p_175065_1_ = p_175065_1_.replace(Minecraft.getMinecraft().session.getUsername(), Minecraft.getMinecraft().session.getUsername()); } ~ MisterQuatsch
  2. Ok thanks C: I will try it! But would this also be a possible with just the Vanilla MCP?
  3. Hey, I started coding with forge some days ago and now I'm wondering how I can change the name of the Client on the Clientside? So everyone can see the real name of the player but he just sees for example "Notch" and not "MisterQuatsch". I know that need to change it in the Tablist, Chat, Scoreboard and maybe when his name is on Items, Tablist and so on. So is it possible and when yes how? Thanks for any help ~MisterQuatsch
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