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Everything posted by Charanor

  1. I've done this in my addCollisionBoxToList() method: AxisAlignedBB aabb = new AxisAlignedBB(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2); addCollisionBoxToList(pos, p_185477_4_, p_185477_5_, aabb); super.addCollisionBoxToList(state, worldIn, pos, p_185477_4_, p_185477_5_, p_185477_6_); But it's not working. It is still one block high. And if I don't call the super method it just has no bounding box at all. I've printed the positions to make sure that they are in the correct positions in the world. What else am I supposed to do? Never mind, got it working! I was prematurely adding the position to my aabb's coordinates, which messed up the positioning.
  2. Hey! I can't seem to find any information about this, so I thought I might as well ask here. In previous versions you used to do "setBlockBounds()" but it seems like this method has been removed. I've tried overriding the methods "getCollisionBoundingBox(), getBoundingBox(), getSelectedBoundingBox()" but it doesn't seem to work. If I override "getBoundingBox()" the block looses ALL collision, you can't even remove it, if I change "getSelectedBoundingBox()" nothing special happens, and if I change "getCollisionBoundingBox()" I just change where I can "select" the block with the cursor. Now, everywhere I read I see people using the "addCollisionBoxToList()" method, but they also use "setBlockBounds()" in conjunction with it, so I'm out of luck. Basically my question is: How do I change a block's collision box in 1.9?
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