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Everything posted by Stokykyle

  1. 1) I know how to make basic mods like creating items and blocks but not server only mods etc 2) I want to create the clear lag function to clear all the entities in the world such as items, mobs etc with the exception of the ones listed in the a config file
  2. Sorry i didn't mention this would need to be a server side only mod also i have a basic work space setup as shown here http://prntscr.com/ao7v2m
  3. Hi there, My name is Stokykyle from the SwiftWolfNetwork and we have been suffering a problem with clear lag plugins (which are essential for no lag) removing a few modded items such as Fluix Seeds and removing cows with a name tag and item frames. So i have taken upon my self to create my own mod like "LagBGon" by ZenDarva and i am just struggling to get started in doing a interval based clearlag function. Would love the help
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