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  1. Pardon my ignorance, but isn't that what I'm doing with Minecraft.getMinecraft()[b].getIntegratedServer()[/b].getCommandManager().executeCommand(parent, command) ? And if there is not integrated server (i.e. I'm in multiplayer), I don't even attempt to run the command.
  2. I've figured out that Minecraft.getMinecraft().getIntegratedServer() works in singleplayer. Because I don't really intend for this to be a server mod, I think I'll just make it not work but not crash when attempting to execute a command on a server: MinecraftServer server = Minecraft.getMinecraft().getIntegratedServer(); if(server == null) { parent.parent.out.println("You cannot run vanilla commands on a server!"); } else { server.getCommandManager().executeCommand(parent, command); } Thanks anyways for the help, Choonster and diesieben!
  3. As far as I can tell, there is no way to directly do this. That has the same problem as Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer.getServer() : the server is null. That is just a more low-level way of saying Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer.sendChatMessage(command) , which doesn't work because that sends the results of the commands to the GuiChat, not my custom GuiScreen. I'm going to see how command blocks handle it; they might have what I'm looking for.
  4. Sorry, you are correct. I thought that SimpleItemFoiled was a generic class for items that had the enchantment effect, but it appears that other such items ( ItemExpBottle , ItemEnchantedBook , etc.) merely override hasEffect() . As mentioned by coolAlias above, don't extend ItemSimpleFoiled , just insert this into your class: @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) @Override public boolean hasEffect(ItemStack stack) { return true; }
  5. While it doesn't make any difference right now, I think it's good practice to extend ItemSimpleFoiled . That way, if ItemSimpleFoiled gets changed in the future, the mod is more likely to continue to work as intended.
  6. If you have a custom class for your item, make it extend ItemSimpleFoiled instead of Item . If you don't have a custom class for it, use ItemSimpleFoiled instead of Item when creating the item. The key here is making public boolean hasEffect(ItemStack stack) return true with your item.
  7. Essentially what I'm trying to do is create a GUI that can send vanilla commands and display the results of the commands. Here's what I've tried: Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer.sendChatMessage(command) doesn't work because that sends the results of the commands to the GuiChat , not my custom GuiScreen . ClientCommandHandler.instance.executeCommand(commandSender, command) doesn't work because CommandHandler 's commandMap is empty, implying normal commands aren't sent that way. In answers for 1.8 and before, people have said to use MinecraftServer.getServer().getCommandManager().executeCommand(commandSender, command) , but in 1.9 getServer() is not static. Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer.getServer().getCommandManager().executeCommand(commandSender, command) also doesn't work because Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer.getServer() is null. I've ran out of ideas other than creating a new EntityPlayerSP and having that send commands, but I don't think that would work very well—if at all—and it's not a very elegant solution. So, how can I either send commands with a custom ICommandSender or intercept/copy the text sent to the player if I use Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer.sendChatMessage(command) ?
  8. Here's what worked for me. Put this just after you register your block: ItemBlock myItem = new ItemBlock(myBlock); GameRegistry.register(myItem.setRegistryName(myBlock.getRegistryName())); Put this in init: Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().getItemModelMesher() .register(myItem, 0, new ModelResourceLocation(item.getRegistryName(), "inventory"));
  9. As I mentioned above, those don't work in 1.9 Okay, thanks; I'll try that out! Edit: Thanks, that worked perfectly!
  10. Edit: For those who have the same problem, I used Minecraft.getMinecraft().getBlockColors().registerBlockColorHandler((state, access, pos, tintIndex) -> BiomeColorHelper.getFoliageColorAtPos(access, pos), myCustomBlockInstance); I'm trying to make a block that is visually identical to leaves. I got it working well (including fast/fancy graphics) except for colorization based on biome; my block is completely gray both in my inventory and in the world. I know that I can customize color in 1.8 with getRenderColor and/or colorMultiplier, but those methods don't appear to work at all in 1.9. I've looked around in the source a bit, but I can't find anywhere that vanilla leaves are colorized, so I have no idea how to even start colorizing my leaves. Currently my leaf block is a subclass of BlockLeaves, and its blockstate json points to the oak_leaves model. If you want to look at my code (which you shouldn't need to), it's on Github here. So, how can I colorize my leaves?
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