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  1. hmm i managed to fix my own problem by instead of using the RenderGameOverlay event use RenderGameOverlay.Text i don't understand why this changed anything but it works... i guess
  2. Im making a mod that is supposed to draw text on the screen, I'm doing this by creating a GUI and rendering it on the RenderGameOverlay event like this @SubscribeEvent public void onRenderGui(RenderGameOverlayEvent event) { new ModList(Minecraft.getMinecraft()); } and public class ModList extends Gui{ public ModList(Minecraft mc) { drawString(mc.fontRendererObj, "Test", 10, 10, 16755200); } } The problem I am having at the moment is that when I draw the string for some reason it draws the text twice like in this image http://imgur.com/dF2vsuZ Does anyone know why this is occurring?
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