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    Furry & MC Modder, nothing special here ;P
    Also what the heck is with this 1.12 registry rewrite?? Jeez lol

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  1. Okay so once again I've decided to continue my mod and start working with the recipe book format and making my crafting recipes visible in that like how Minecraft's recipes show up, yay progress. The bad news: upon updating any version of forge above Forge Build 1.12- from my comfort zone in an earlier 1.12 version I've run into one issue. That issue is how Blocks and Items are registered now, and it has me totally stumped now. Before I was using this to register blocks/items in their own class: "GameRegistry.register(block or item)" and *voila* I'd go on my merry way and do that with roughly 40 blocks and about 70 items, no big deal as it was generic and pretty straight-forward. However as of the version of Forge I listed above and anything above it as of now, that exact form of registering things simply is not allowed anymore as it was rewritten, and I hate to ask, but what exactly is the way to register things now? Because my mod now throws over 100 errors because they all used the same format to be registered. So in response I have marked out (via commited each one out) to allow my mod to run without crashes, but obviously without my 'plethora' of blocks and items. So in short here is the shortened issue: -I need to figure out how to add my own registry now for my blocks and items, but can't find exactly how to do it anymore is all. I've looked into if for hours now and I can't for the light of day figure out what to use, and where, assuming I can't put a new register method or whatnot in my Block class and Item class. May I ask anyone out there for some form of advice that isn't verbatim to this page? (When I read it, I keep reading and rereading but nothing is making sense once again) I just feel like I'm making this harder thank it really is and just need someone who may have an idea how to help alleviate this, anyways, thanks in advance!
  2. Ok so I took the time to mess around with my setup some more and have decided to keep the code in my mod but make the 200ish recipes I had from before but in .json format, what a pain. I have decided on keeping the old code in an unused state and continue with the changes as Forge for 1.12 becomes more stable and then decide later if I want to permanently delete it after configuring it a bit more obviously or keep it for reference for whatever the cause in the future. Thank you all so much for your input and thoughts!
  3. Hi Kander16, I can try to help clarify some things with the new 1.12 recipe formatting: As far as I know of with the shaped crafting recipes go, you are only allowed to 1 shape per .json file, thus requiring 2 files assuming you still want those same configurations. Also for the shapeless recipes and the id's of the materials used. I experienced this as well but I had to change it to if I had more than one of the same thing I had to repeat the entry instead of using the ["count: X]; however, because Forge 1.12 is still in the early works, it's possible this could or couldn't change. And as for the last one, I can't help you there as I've never messed with the OreDictionary.WILDCARD_VALUE too much. But I hope the rest helped you somewhat!
  4. Ok so I'm updating my mod from 1.11 to 1.12 & I understandthe new system in play with the .json format. But I have a minor question about it. Since 1.12 now allows for crafting recipes to be made in .json files, is it okay to completely remove my RecipeManager class that housed all the code of my now non-functional recipes from 1.11 and just replace each recipe with it's own .json file? I ask because I would hate to have an entire file that's no longer needed since it's only goal was to add crafting recipes since 1.7.10 until now.
  5. Your block class must extend "BlockDirectional" as far as I can see from this point.
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