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Everything posted by Conraad

  1. Quick question what would The state engine was in incorrect state SERVER_STOPPING and forced into state SERVER_STOPPED. Errors may have been discarded actually means
  2. TileEntityCommonWorkbench : http://pastebin.com/1cMgudFv Will try your suggestion and let you know
  3. Yeah that gets called in TileEntityCommonWorkbench public ItemStack getStackInSlot(int var1) { return this.inventory[var1]; } i think the biggest part that confuses me is why it's working in eclispe worked in 1.4.7 without hiccups but all of a sudden in 1.5.2 and only after recompiling it fails to load using the same forge version etc, that part really screws with me, and fixing anything where I have to recompile and reob to test is beyond time consuming Edit: InventorySubCraft is basicly a clone of class file InventoryCrafting and extends to it and InventoryCrafting did not change at all from 1.4.7 to 1.5.2 except for one extra method added to 1.5.2, so I'm not even sure that it's the cause of the crash.
  4. New error report: http://pastebin.com/sJzkRYmz I haven't implemented anything in sub classes that has been implemented in parent class I wish my java was better to tell you the truth, but been battling with updating to 1.5.2 for 2 weeks now on a mod thats almost twice the size of minecraft, and this is the last problem i have which i just don't understand why it can work in eclipse but not after recompiling and in game. What i do see is that getSizeInventory is 9 in the sub class indicating the actual crafting grid to use but the actual block has 27 slots indicated in TileEntity, so might be that will play around but any input is more than welcome cause that just helps one think in different directions.
  5. Yeah already checked that and they are the same on both, only difference would be that one comes from the src that forge creates and in game it's the universal jar that's drag into the minecraft jar Also checked the latest 1.5.2 forge build in game and same results.
  6. The Crash Report : http://pastebin.com/Zd2Yzbre InventorySubCraft : http://pastebin.com/b7ELTwvA ContainerIronWorkBench: http://pastebin.com/HVcNmNXP GuiHandler: http://pastebin.com/V6G6tY1K blockIronWorkBench: http://pastebin.com/41ErnKNQ TileEntityIronWorkBench: http://pastebin.com/AaEi4ma4 Think that's about it, bear in mind this works in eclipse it also worked on version 1.4.7 only place this now crashes is after a recompile and running minecraft outside of eclipse.
  7. The current version I'm working with is minecraft 1.5.2 and MinecraftForge v7.8.0.725, now yeah i know taht's not the latest version of forge but don't think that's the problem in this case. Now the mod works fine, until you open up the gui for the crafting tables we have in simcraft, no they are based on the minecraft double chest code, but it's used for a crafting table, this worked like a charm from minecraft version 1.2.5 up until now. What's happening now is in eclipse it works and theirs no error so all is good to go, I recompile the mod reob it and setup a 1.5.2 instance of minecraft with same version of forge used in eclipse, but it keeps crashin on the opening of the gui after it's recompiled. So the question is does anybody have any idea where to look for the problem, I mean it's virtually working in eclipse, but not after being recompiled it doesn't make sense and being a semi noob I don't really know where to look or how to fix something that's already working inside eclipse any suggestion would be appreciated.
  8. I've been getting the same problem ClassNotFound qv ive always used the forge installs cript saves me the time to download mcp, but for some reason after the install script has run I can even decompile the code again same error missing classfile qv Used: MCP 1.5.2- and also same on MCP 1.5.2-7-8-0-725, used the install script no errors, but can't decompile afterwards so unless something has changed I really have no idea what or why **Edit** OK got this working the minecraft.jar was almost 1 MB smaller after running the script and finishing the installation. I simply replaced that .jar with the original jar downloaded from the minecraft site added forge to it and it decompiled without problems
  9. What's up with the forge forums and downloads? Last week the site was down for days on end, and tonight trying to download the src seems to be just not happening at all, is their some major maintenance going on or is the server this domain is hosted on just not able to manage the work load?
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