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Everything posted by Bloopers

  1. Quick question(I think.) How can I create something to allow the player to climb up walls, like a spider would? This was from a book I had read earlier but this book was written for 1.8: public class WallClimb { @SubscribeEvent public void climbWall(LivingUpdateEvent event) { if (!(event.getEntity() instanceof EntityPlayer)) { return; } if (!event.getEntity().isCollidedHorizontally) { return; } event.getEntity().motionY = 0.5; } }
  2. I've been searching for quite a few hours, and even given an hour or so to experiment myself with this, but I can not find or figure out a way to create a custom entity in 1.9. Are there any tutorials that I am missing or something? My apologies if this is in the wrong section, I just signed up to ask this question.
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