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  1. A week since our launch and we are steadily growing, averaging 6-7 players a night consistently. Still fresh into the pack were currently playing so no better time than to try it out, and if your still on the fence, feel free to join our discord and hang out in the community and see if its right for you. With players from all over the world, there is always someone willing to help, and forge the tight knit community were slowly building.
  2. ๐Ÿš€ Welcome to BrewCraft SMP - A Fresh Modded Minecraft Adventure! ๐Ÿš€ Are you ready to embark on a new journey in the world of modded Minecraft? Look no further! BrewCraft SMP is calling for bold adventurers to join our ranks and shape the destiny of our vibrant and tight-knit community![/p] ๐ŸŒ About BrewCraft SMP: Based in the heart of Amsterdam, BrewCraft SMP offers a unique modded Minecraft experience that combines creativity, camaraderie, and endless possibilities. Our server is fresh, our community is growing, and we want YOU to be part of the brewing magic! Join players from all over the world in this vibrant community! ๐ŸŒŸ Why Choose BrewCraft SMP? Amsterdam-Based Server: Experience low-latency gameplay with our server based in Amsterdam, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable gaming experience. Limited Rules for Maximum Creativity: We believe in letting players fully enjoy the game without unnecessary constraints. Our limited rules enhance gameplay, providing a space for creativity to flourish. Rotating Modpacks: Keep things fresh and exciting as we rotate modpacks periodically. Experience a variety of gameplay styles and challenges. Proximity Chat: Engage in a dynamic and immersive experience with proximity chat. While not mandatory, we encourage players to chat and build relationships, enhancing the community spirit ๐Ÿค Tight-Knit Community: BrewCraft SMP is not just a server; it's a family. Join our tight-knit community where friendships are forged, collaborations are celebrated, and everyone has a voice in the evolution of our world. ๐Ÿ’ก Why Limited Rules? We understand that too many rules can hinder the gaming experience. By keeping our rule set minimal, we empower players to explore, collaborate, and build without unnecessary restrictions. We trust our community to foster a mature and respectful environment naturally ๐ŸŒ Server Features: Whitelisting for Quality: We believe in creating a close-knit community of passionate players. Our whitelist ensures that every member is dedicated to fostering a respectful and enjoyable gaming environment. Discord Community: Join our Discord server for lively discussions, updates, and a chance to connect with fellow players. Be part of a growing community right from its inception! Vault Hunters 3rd Edition: Dive into the action with the latest Vault Hunters modpack, offering a unique and challenging experience. Explore new dimensions, conquer dungeons, and unleash the full potential of mods. ๐ŸŒŸ Our Vision: BrewCraft SMP aspires to recreate the close, trust-filled environments of renowned servers like ForgeCraft, HermitCraft, and Empires SMP. We believe in building a community where players can unleash their creativity without unnecessary limitations on rules. ๐Ÿ’ก Why Whitelisting? Whitelisting ensures that our community is made up of dedicated and respectful players who share a passion for modded Minecraft. It sets the foundation for a mature and enjoyable gaming experience, fostering trust and collaboration. ๐ŸŒˆ Join BrewCraft SMP Today:[/p] [p]Whether you're a seasoned player or a Minecraft novice, BrewCraft SMP welcomes all who are eager to contribute to our evolving world. Join us, and let's craft extraordinary memories together! Join our discord! Cheers BrewCraft SMP Team
  3. Yeah thats what I thought it might be.. thats...unfortunate. Thanks anyway
  4. ok seeing as my other thread got deleted... ill ask here.. I am trying to organize my files in my project window, and cannot find anywhere where having the models/item files can be linked to a directory of my choosing, for example models/items/wood as i do in models.. Is there somewhere that I can point to this directory to enable me to do that as I have in models, or does the base code only look in the models/items folder for the inventory item textures?
  5. Thanks, but that is basically the same as the one I found, and doesn't go towards helping me understand what it does in its entirety... For example.. the mod im trying to create is creating slabs of blocks form vanilla... How would I transfer this json into code to suit my needs.. { "parent": "block/slab", "textures": { "bottom": "minecraft:block/white_concrete", "top": "minecraft:block/white_concrete", "side": "minecraft:block/white_concrete" } } And the more confusing aspect is how to do the loot_tables with said dataGeneration.. I have tried messing around with it but I couldn't get it to work... { "type": "minecraft:block", "pools": [ { "rolls": 1, "entries": [ { "type": "minecraft:item", "functions": [ { "function": "minecraft:set_count", "conditions": [ { "condition": "minecraft:block_state_property", "block": "moreslabsmod:acacia_log_slab", "properties": { "type": "double" } } ], "count": 2 }, { "function": "minecraft:explosion_decay" } ], "name": "moreslabsmod:acacia_log_slab" } ] } ] }
  6. Ill have a look at the source code.. Thanks
  7. Ive looked it up, and all i could really find that was indepth was a complete class base from a forge website https://collaborating.tuhh.de/cev7691/minecraftforge/-/blob/1.14.x/src/test/java/net/minecraftforge/debug/DataGeneratorTest.java I can piece some things together, and would like to use it, but I cannot for the life of me understand what I need and what I don't to suit my needs. So i think Ill stick with the manual JSON editing for the time being. Thanks for the suggestion tho.
  8. Ill look that mod up thanks.
  9. Ill have a research of that, thanks for the tip...is there a best place to read up on those?
  10. So there is no way to 'catagorize' the items like I have with models?
  11. My post literally asks, where do I set the path to these..
  12. OK i had everything working as intended originaly, however I wanted to make my project window more organized and looked to create folders for each "catagory" of block/item in my mod, having downloaded and looked at how another mod did it, albeit a 1.12 mod.. I have managed to solve the issue of the models not rendering correctly when in world, but for the life of me, i cannot get the textures to show when in the inventory. And for some reason only 1 item doesnt show its localized name when all the rest do. What am i doing wrong? EDIT: from more testing, it seems that the item json file is the cause of the issue. Is there a way I can direct something to that path? as I cant seem to find a way currently
  13. Thank You So Much... This was my issue. The tutorial was using eclipse, and they could make packages in the resources tree, so I must of misread something.. Thanks again, works perfectly.
  14. Thanks guys, I don't know why but it miraculously worked without any changes... Just one of those glitches I guess.
  15. Ok I think i understand what its doing, however it still isnt working for me. { "type": "minecraft:block", "pools": [ { "rolls": 1, "entries": [ { "type": "minecraft:item", "functions": [ { "function": "minecraft:set_count", "conditions": [ { "condition": "minecraft:block_state_property", "block": "moreslabsmod:oak_log_slab", "properties": { "type": "double" } } ], "count": 2 }, { "function": "minecraft:explosion_decay" } ], "name": "moreslabsmod:oak_log_slab" } ] } ] } Im setting the double state model to minecraft:block/oak_log if that makes any difference. But even still nothing is dropping when its not a double. I do have everything set correctly right? I havent got it in a wierd place where it shouldn't be.. as this is how it is shown in the tutorial .
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