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    The Netherlands
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Diamond Finder

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  1. Everybody is unbanned? At least I am... I guess jay?
  2. You have to create different items, but you can just use the same class for them Fluffy je bent terug bij het modden
  3. Check out DiscultGA on youtube
  4. Does it work in your minecraft?
  5. Why is it a zip file?
  6. And how does the lava do it? I looked in the BlockLiquid class and there is a getPackedLightmapCoords but I can't find anywhere it is being called or something so..
  7. It already is seperate..?
  8. But what about this:
  9. Hello, I want to make a torch that emits a yellow light, but how can I do this?
  10. I can generate structures, but don't know how to do that
  11. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxuHcS9pMkJ-3URky1aWDTg He has a video about it
  12. I have no idea how to do that
  13. With that I mean custom crops in village farmlands
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