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Everything posted by Melonslise

  1. 2. I know what for loops are and I DO know what modulus is, but why? 3. How is it a total mess and how would that effect the way the code works. First you could explain rather than just stating that. 4. Override is only used the compiler to check mistakes. Why would I need that? Isn't this if (!stack.hasTagCompound()) { stack.setTagCompound(new NBTTagCompound()); } NBTTagCompound tag = stack.getTagCompound(); the same as this? : else { nbt = new NBTTagCompound(); } itemStack.setTagCompound(nbt);
  2. Alright, so I did this: And still no luck Are you sure I should do it with nbts? Maybe there's another way like creating another class or something
  3. I will update but not now. I need this mod I'm making for an adventure map which uses conquest resource pack which is not compatible with 1.8 or 1.9
  4. Oh I didn't know that. How would I place the data into an itemStack's NBT then?
  5. Hey guys I'm new here. I am having some problems with my mod. Here's the item code: It seems to be spawning only one patch (or whatever) of particles. What did I miss?
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