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    Sycamore, IL
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    I am an amature programmer!

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  1. I forgot about this old post, but AdvanceTime is released and it justify updating. Yes, but that was not what I was requesting. I basically gave the code; why make mod developers dance around this one property type when it should be part of Forge? Yes, this is what I ended up doing However, why should I? Getting values from all other property types is pretty and clean, except when it comes to parsing longs with try-catch everywhere.
  2. This is an excellent idea! Currently, I intercept a forge event when an item is about to despawn, and add additional time if the item is not on the exclusion list. I could add the priority check along with this event. Also, to get the total item count, I could possibly tally the items when the entity item joins the world. This method would not be an immediate fix when someone maliciously grief a server, but it would allow the item to bypass its persistent status in order to stay under the max entities. However- I don't know how many item entities would lag a server; it seems possible to have hundreds of players on minecraft at the same time in different locations. Having a max entity count too low could defeat the persistent status effect. Possibly instead of having a max item entity count for the world, there could be a limit per chunk. The most players I had my server at one time was six Despite the server lag generated due to Dynmap and world gen, I had BuildCraft pipes spew out hundreds of items out on the ground, a few full chests blown up from creepers, a lot of TNT/Nuke explosions, skeleton arrow drops from sunrise. It seems, normal gameplay is not a real issue, but I need confirmation on that.
  3. Will this correctly allow my mod to accept newer versions? @Mod(modid="advancetime", name="Advance Time", version="1.1") @NetworkMod( clientSideRequired=true, serverSideRequired=false, versionBounds="[1.1, )", ...)
  4. I tried everything suggested, however it appears that checkHandler is always null. But, what is this in the same method of NetworkModHandler.acceptVersion(String version) if (acceptableRange!=null) { return acceptableRange.containsVersion(new DefaultArtifactVersion(version)); } acceptableRange seems to always be valid. How do I use this?
  5. I had done this, unless I'm doing it wrong. I have @NetworkMod as part of my class. @NetworkMod(clientSideRequired=true, serverSideRequired=false, channels={ "CLIENT_INITSYNC", "CLIENT_TIMESYNC", "SERVER_INITSYNC", "SERVER_TIMESYNC", "CLIENT_CALENDAR", "SERVER_CALENDAR" }, packetHandler = AdvanceTimePackets.class, connectionHandler = AdvanceTimeConnections.class) public class AdvanceTimeMod {... @VersionCheckHandler public boolean VersionCheck(String var, INetworkManager netManager) { return true; } ... I originally had @VersionCheckHandler like this: @VersionCheckHandler public boolean VersionCheck(String var) { return true; } The reason I placed INetworkManager as a parameter was because it said it needed a string and a NetworkManager. In both cases, it does not reach my breakpoint in the VersionCheck method.
  6. Also, to check item despawn status: '/item get despawn [id]'
  7. I haven't ran into much or any lag on the server, lag would be on client side due to rendering. Lets say there was a lot of dirt blocks; if it was causing a problem, I would type in the command '/item set despawn true 3' and wait the 5 minutes for it to clear up.
  8. Neometron


    I have made this mod for my personal server and it is ready for sharing AdvanceTime takes control of Minecraft's time, specifically the day length. There is also a date feature to tell what day it is in game. The full mod description is at www.boxporium.net/advancetime.php Minecraft forum description: minecraftforum.net/topic VR, Neometron
  9. I have also made this mod for my personal server and it too is ready for sharing Persistent Items makes select items say persistent in the world; in other words items do no despawn after five minutes. This is controlled with the in-game command '/item' The full mod description is at www.boxporium.net/persistentitem.php Minecraft forum description with images: minecraftforum.net/topic VR, Neometron
  10. Hi, I'm having troubles with version numbers with my mod. My mod is designed to be backward compatible with my older version of my mod. My server contains an older version and my client has a newer version. When I attempt to log on the server, I get rejected for the missing older version of my mod. How can I have my server allow newer client versions of the mod? [edit] I suppose I should also mention that I have: @VersionCheckHandler public boolean VersionCheck(String var, INetworkManager netManager) { return true; } However, adding a breakpoint here never gets hit.
  11. Hi, I working on my mod called AdvanceTime, and Minecraft stores its ticks in type long. I added this code into my project, however I would like to see this in Forge. [net.minecraftforge.common - Properties.java] public enum Type { STRING, INTEGER, BOOLEAN, DOUBLE, LONG; ... /** * Returns the value in this property as an long, * if the value is not a valid long, it will return the * provided default. * * @param _default The default to provide if the current value is not a valid long * @return The value */ public long getLong(long _default) { try { return Long.parseLong(value); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return _default; } } /** * Checks if the current value stored in this property can be converted to an long. * * @return True if the type of the Property is an long */ public boolean isLongValue() { try { Long.parseLong(value); return true; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return false; } } Also for the config file, I would like to to "L" instead of "D" VR: Neometron
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