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Posts posted by crazyjackel

  1. when i attempt to build gradlew.bat - so can have my friend test for me


    i get the following error:



    error: method references are not supported in -source 1.6

    (even though i made sure my path and java home were under jdk1.8.0_91)

    RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler(mod.essence.essence.Entity.EssenceSplashEffect.class, mod.essence.essence.Renderes.RenderEssenceSplash::new)



    oh btw i have to go to bed, so i wont be able to respond til morning

  2. okay choonstar in the last post you attempt to explain how to do modelloader, trust me i got lost, but anyway this is a new post about the white box and how to fix


    first attempt to bind a texture: -failed

    public class RenderEssenceSplash extends RenderSnowball
    public RenderEssenceSplash(RenderManager renderManagerIn) {
    	super(renderManagerIn, Main.EssenceSplash, Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem());
    	this.bindTexture(new ResourceLocation("essence:EssenceSplash"));

    second attempt: -failrf

    public class RenderEssenceSplash extends RenderSnowball
    public RenderEssenceSplash(RenderManager renderManagerIn) {
    	super(renderManagerIn, Main.EssenceSplash, Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem());
    public void doRender(Entity entity, double x, double y, double z, float entityYaw, float partialTicks){
    	this.bindTexture(new ResourceLocation("essence:EssenceSplash"));

    third attempt: -failed

    public class RenderEssenceSplash extends RenderSnowball
    public RenderEssenceSplash(RenderManager renderManagerIn) {
    	super(renderManagerIn, Main.EssenceSplash, Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem());
    public void doRender(){
    	this.bindTexture(new ResourceLocation("essence:EssenceSplash"));


    at least 15 other attempts - failed


    so yeah i am rendering and also attempting to bind texture, but the texture isnt being bound, dont really understand why it isnt working as the ResourceLocation worked when i was binding it for



    i still dont understand ModelLoader and ModelBakery

  3. this mod is mostly in development for mainly me and my friends, i am not really confident in my skill to update it as such, btw i defined modelloaders in the preinit of client-my client proxy. how would i load those onto an item



    Item CowEssenceItem = GameRegistry.findItem("essence", "CowEssence");
    	ModelResourceLocation CowEssenceModel = new ModelResourceLocation("essence:CowEssence", "Inventory");
    	ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(CowEssenceItem, 0, CowEssenceModel);


    these dont auto-attach to the item



    wow second page already for a 'simple fix'

  4. public class RenderEssenceSplash extends RenderSnowball



    public RenderEssenceSplash(RenderManager renderManagerIn) {

    super(renderManagerIn, Main.EssenceSplash, Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem());








    im not sure which on is the item render constructor, but can you plz quickly explain how to make it alright, come on, i almost got it

  5. so i should make a renderer that extends render snowball and make a method that returns the rendermanager?


    note: trust me, i am very new to program lingo


    i am currently testing using RenderArrow as it doesnt give me the same error as render snowball


    can someone affirm that i am moving in the correct direction by making a new class that extends rendersnowball then adding in the rendering thats like render arrow

  6. okay i ran it how it was with RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler(EssenceSplashEffect.class, RenderSnowball::new);


    which had an error that the thing couldnt figure out on the left side



    heres the report:





    what i think i am supposed to do is copy RenderSnowball and just rename everything into RenderEssenceSplash


    my idea came from this post which basically stated that they were trying to do the same thing:


  7. yo, i am pretty sure the experienced guys on this forum hear this alot, "oh no rendering isnt working". i myself have read at least 10 posts on that, but for some reason none of them seem to work in my situation. everything about my projectile is running smooth, except that my registerEntityRenderingHandler is deprecated, and i know i am supposed to add either a new renderer or IrenderFactory, its probably a few lines of code fix, so just help me out and move on with your day



    Client proxy; named just pure Client: http://pastebin.com/KN1eGBvy

    - note in actual code registerEntityRenderingHandler is crossed out


    oh btw if you want more code bits, let me know, but im pretty sure the error is just here

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