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  1. For An Example: public static void onUpdate() { if(mc.thePlayer.getHealth() <= 4.5) { Text = "1"; } } Every Time It Just Crashes
  2. How can you check for the player's health? For An Example: (If Player Health's health equals (Value))
  3. Hello, I have this code here and I'm new to java, started 4 days ago. This is the only thing I want to create though. I'm running forge-1.8-, and I actually want to update it but when I watched the tutorial on how to update it does not work and I just get an error message saying BUILD FAILED! but heres my code and what I need help with. Everything is literally working except these fields/funcs I don't know what they are exactly because my friend coded this and gave me source code to code for my own like. I've seen these fields/funcs before when watching tutorials but I only knew how to use them because there was a net.minecraft which I could access I don't know how to access on forge dont think I can. IM GETTING ERROR MESSAGES WITH THE FIELDS/FUNCS EXAMPLE: options.field_78902_a, options.field_78901_c = settings.field_74314_A.func_151470_d(), this.field_146294_l IF YOU CANT HELP WITH CODE, JUST GIVE ME AN UNDERSTANDING OF WHAT ARE FIELDS/FUNCS AM I MISSING SOMETHING? HERES MY FOLDERS BASE: https://gyazo.com/acef10a20807799b04a159cfe57bbd26 ECLIPSE: https://gyazo.com/a81237a543e052e8f17b427ed4869d8e It's a modified togglesneak, no its not a ghost client/hacked client, it modifies the gui though. This isnt his code, he changed togglesneak gui a bit with AutoFish module, AutoArmor module too for personal use, but I don't want to show that code so I showed the original togglesneak just because its still the same funcs/fields Solved!
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