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    Things can be so dark!

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  1. I'm not talking about regular entities like zombies. I'm referring to TileEntity that apply to blocks. Is it even possible to put a nameplate on top of a TileEntity, or would I need to use an invisible armor stand?
  2. I am creating a block that takes an item out of a player's inventory and fills its storage. How would I remove the item from the inventory?
  3. Duh! I know the basics of Java
  4. Where are good 1.12.2 modding tutorials I can use to create a mod.
  5. I am stupid! There is a demo in the minecraft default resource pack! Thank you.
  6. I mean like how do you make minecraft like guis, like your inventory?
  7. What programs can make images for guis if there is one?
  8. McJty's tutorials made me slap myself in the face. Thanks Choonster!
  9. What is the best source for tutorials for 1.11?
  10. My last thread was to render in code models. What I should have asked was to code the models themselves. So how do you do that?
  11. An "In code model" is a model which is modeled with pure code.
  12. How do you render in code models? I attempted to read the Minecraft source code to try to find out, but I can't. Is there anyone out there that can help me?
  13. It's odd that I can not find a tutorial that answers this question. Try as I might to find one. :'( Can anyone help me?
  14. Ok, I believe I want to use CoFHLib.
  15. Or energy in general
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