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    Modding the C#(ap) out of java.

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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Thanks for the help and code watch, as I am still learing. I also changed my code accordingly:
  2. I think that I need another way of profiding blast protection to the user for my antifire dragonshield. What I am trying to do is: When the player Hold the shield with "onItemRightClick" . Then I give a blast protection enchantment. When the player releases the right click with "onPlayerStoppedUsing" I check if the stack has the enchantment. But I don't know how to remove the enchantment. I have looked at player crafting with repairing items (As that removes the enchantment) but they just return a new itemstack, which is not possible (As far as I know) with onPlayerStoppedUsing as the return type is void. There also is no function for this. So if anyone knows how to do this (Or give me a direction to search for). That would be really appreciated. Code for the people who want to read it:
  3. This inplementation worked thanks.
  4. I fixed my code I saw that the constructor I made was not used. And the worldIn was sometimes null. Thanks.
  5. I have removed it from the mods folder and tried again, but sadly it yields the same result. But thanks for the suggestion.
  6. Fellow modder, I am stuck on this for a while. if I replace the defaultstate to anything else, it will work. But it will crash when being changed to FIRE. (I am trying to make a molotov that creates a patch of fire. If you have any tips on how to improve my code, please do so). Error log: Entity Class: Molotov Class: If you have any good tutorials, I would be happy to follow and learn from them.
  7. Do I just have to override the current implementation of getItemBurntime for the TileEntityFurnace to make custom fuel? I am kind of confused by this approaching. Thanks for helping in advance.
  8. Thanks I have added blockstates now and changed the variant to normal as you have suggested. But still no succes. Yes I can find all the files from my project when building it. Also in the .jar file I can find all the files. I suppose that my upper and lower case if the error as I can't find anything else. (Will try that now and edit this post).
  9. I also can't find anything related to a normal in the default minecraft code. If anyone has the anwer please share it with us. [22:49:40] [Client thread/ERROR] [FML]: Exception loading model for variant universalcache:silverFishSpray#inventory for item "universalcache:silverFishSpray", normal location exception: I guess that it's about the normal location but what is the normal location? Looking in the normal items from minecraft and normals can't be found anywhere.(?)
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