Hey there o/.
I made a Tile Entity with the "ITickable" interface and I'm using the Overwritten method "update()" to let the Block do something.
And that works fine, except when I reload the world, it does not work anymore. Block updates won't start it either. It needs to be replaced.
What am I missing, is "update()" the wrong method?
Here's the code: https://pastebin.com/5vkT7eaJ
Yeah, I know ^^. I was told that the probability that Deprecated methods will be removed in the near Future is high, thats why I wanted to know the new variants ^^
You could look at this: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/namemanager.5147/
I think it's doing what you are looking for,
Heres the Source: https://github.com/AgentLV/NameManager
Maybe you can find something that helps in there.
Good luck
Nice, that works!
Thank you very much!
Do you happen to know the not deprecated methods?
I have a feeling it'll bork the hell out when I update to a new Forge version in the future.
I also had problems with items.
Sorry to not post a direct answer to you question, but I your code is quite messy(sry)(I'm a total beginner aswell, so maybe I just don't get it yet :/).
Take a look at this: https://wiki.mcjty.eu/modding/index.php/Basic_Item-1.12
These tutorials helped me a LOT.
Here is the link to the complete wiki: https://wiki.mcjty.eu/modding/index.php/Main_Page
Hope this helps
Block class: https://pastebin.com/8skfgwX1
and the Parent class for my Blocks: https://pastebin.com/nBgKEejZ
sry for the delay just had breakfast ^^"
I use this site/wiki alot: https://wiki.mcjty.eu/modding/index.php/Main_Page
And it has a section which could help you: https://wiki.mcjty.eu/modding/index.php/Render_Block_OBJ-1.12
I have not looked further into that topic, but the topics I looked thorugh, helped me alot
Hey there o/
I finally got a Block Model to work in Minecraft (yay).
But now it looks kinda weird.
Here a screenshot:
The lightning looks quite a bit off.
Has someone experienced it/knows a fix?
Yeah, I meant that with Output ^^.
Download the Windows Offline (64Bit) from this website and Install Java.
Note: If you have 32 Bit, use the Windows Offline without 64 Bit link instead