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Everything posted by TheMulti

  1. No, the point is that the block was burning all the time as netherrack . //Nie, chodzi o to, by blok palił się cały czas jak netherrack.
  2. I checked BlockNetherrack and BlockFire class. I think it may be in FireBlock class, but I'm too stupid to find it. //Netherrack\\ [redacted] //BlockFire\\ [redacted]
  3. I'm making custom netherrack and I would want it to be like if you lit the furnace on the top, then it would burn forever until you put it out. If you could come up with some code, that would be great!
  4. Thank you! :) This time I understood for the first time.
  5. Hi everyone! I'd like to ask you how do to create, for example crafting table with planks... In my modifications are 16 types of planks, and I want to any combination of planks could make crafting table / sticks / chest /(...) Something like in Biomes O' Plenty. Thank you in advance.
  6. That is not the problem it is true that PotionEffects doesn't exist in 1.10 instead use Partially it works... Partially... :'(
  7. PotionEffects is not working in 1.10.2, but I found a counterpart: MobEffects.INSTANT_DAMAGE. I tried it, but It's not working to me... Maybe I'm stupid or too old Minecraft version. Rather, the first...
  8. What should I put in this class? Whether it should look like a client/commonproxy but with ItemFood extends?
  9. Hi! My name is TheMulti. I have a problem with adding effects to food class. I want to give a player INSTANT_DAMAGE effect, but I can't do it. Thank you in advance. Here is my Solvent.java (If you need any other file , let me know - I will send them ) package themulti.gunwo.init; import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.ModelResourceLocation; import net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import net.minecraft.item.ItemFood; import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry; import themulti.gunwo.Gunwo; import themulti.gunwo.Reference; public class Solvent { public static Item SOLVENT; public static void init() { SOLVENT = registerItem(new ItemFood(-20, 1, true), "Solvent").setUnlocalizedName("Solvent").setMaxStackSize(16).setCreativeTab(ColorTabCraft.ColorTab); } public static void registerRenders() { registerRender(SOLVENT); } public static void registerRender(Item item) { Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().getItemModelMesher().register(item, 0, new ModelResourceLocation(Reference.MODID + ":" + item.getUnlocalizedName().substring(5), "inventory")); } public static Item registerItem(Item item, String name) { return registerItem(item, name, null); } public static Item registerItem(Item item, String name, CreativeTabs tab) { GameRegistry.register(item, new ResourceLocation(Reference.MODID, name)); Gunwo.proxy.registerItemSided(item); return item; } } I would ask you to send me a revised file. // Sorry for my English , but I am from Poland.
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