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Posts posted by daebloid2

  1. What do you want to achieve with your custom tree? Do you want to make something new generate in the world? Do you want a different type of sapling? Do you want new types of logs and/or leaves? Trees that grow in a different shape? 'Custom trees' is a very open question. Start by thinking of what you want and exactly how it will be different from vanilla, then you can focus on how to achieve it (and getting help for specifics as you need it).


    What I want is to make a personalized tree, just like vanilla, but with my blocks, it will not generate in the world, but will be made through a recipe(sappling).

  2. Hello, I'm sorry I'm noob at modding, after a few hours to search not encrontrei someone with the same problem, I have a IBakedModel that when a block is placed on the side, the opposite is incredibly dark (ignoring lighting), I do not know WHAT am I doing wrong, please who know what it is tell me.


    Class IBakedModel: http://pastebin.com/hf8atqht



    edit: if the block next to is one that emits light, the guy gets brightness without passing light.


    obs: Sorry, my English is horrible.

  3. You don't need a baked model class to make ore glow in the dark.  You can do that with the json models just fine by setting "shade":"false" in the elements{} tag of the faces you don't want shaded.


    In my experience, that only works if the block also emits light. I think a custom baked model if you want a fullbright block that doesn't emit light, but I don't really know that much about the rendering system.



    That's right, I want the block to be bright without emitting light and the model baked worked, however have this problem with the shadow.

  4. Well, Basically the tesr THIS ignoring a minecraft light out, what ends up doing with the Stay Very dark block : http://prntscr.com/cgy0i3


    here is the code of tesr: http://pastebin.com/5YB9ZcLN


    Model: http://pastebin.com/Kamu2JZh


    block: http://pastebin.com/A6QeNfCA


    if anyone knows how to put the standard light minecraft , please talk .

    You need to either GlStateManager.disableLighting() or GLStateManager.enableLighting() I believe it is the former, but if your TE does not update dynamically do not use a TESR instead use the JSON model system or IBakedModels.



    how can I make her update ?

  5. I believe you are asking for certain parts of the ore to not grow dim in the dark, similar to spider/enderman/dragon eyes


    Try looking up the render class for those entities.


    IE Enderman has 2 texture files




    If you look at the pngs you'll notice the enderman.png has all teh texture of the body, but the eyes are left transparent. And the eyes.png is nearly 100% transparent save where the eyes are, which are purple.


    Minecraft layers these two pngs on top of each other with separate render passes. When it renders the eyes, it uses the BL blending to make them disregard lighting and appear to be 100% bright at all times, even if the monster is in the dark.


    The function that makes the eyes "glow in the dark" is



    You'll find how to use this in LayerEndermanEyes.class


    At least this is how it is in 1.8, I don't believe much changed to 1.9.4, I could be wrong though.


    PS this is entity rendering not block rendering, so you will need to make a tileentity special renderer to render your block as an entity. Google around for that, it isn't super difficult.


    You could send a code as an example ?

  6. Minecraft uses both standard OpenGL light, as well as a lightmap to control brightness.


    Try doing

    OpenGlHelper.setLightmapTextureCoords(OpenGlHelper.lightmapTexUnit, 240f, 240f);
    ---Render what you want---

    Haven't done anything with OpenGL since 1.7.10, but all of these methods still exist in 1.10.2 at least, so they should get you going :)


    What should I put in "--- render you want --- " ?


    I really no idea :(

  7. is there any way to get bright light without issue ?


    I don't understand what you're asking.


    Do you mean "Is there any way to render a fullbright model without making the block emit light?"? I don't think it's possible with a baked model, but it's probably possible if you use a


    . I don't know enough about OpenGL to help you with that.

    I do not understand entity tile , and almost anything OpenGL, Thanks I already have where to start  :D

  8. Hello , for some time I'm trying to put gloss on my block as well as quartzore From AE and Xychorium pray the Xycraft ,


    What do I want to know is how can I put gloss on my block in a simple way , since I am very new in creating mods .


    thank you: 3



    Sorry bad English hair, I 'm from Brazil :3



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