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Everything posted by Tynarus

  1. mcp/eclipse/Minecraft/bin/assets/minecraft/ seems to be working if you're using ResourceLocation. Ie... new ResourceLocation("infection/textures/entity/walker.png"); = mcp/eclipse/Minecraft/bin/assets/minecraft/infection/textures/entity/walker.png If you want something that works for the time being without going in and editing the jar.
  2. There may end up being that many textures, that's the thing. There are quiiiiite a few combinations... Trying to work on this ResourceLocation stuff on the 1.6.1 release though, no idea where to be putting my textures now... Among many other problems including a Forge bug to do with tool materials. :L
  3. Maybe, though I was thinking of using basic Java to physically combine and save the images whenever a custom weapon is made, so as to avoid the actual download being huge but... Still, seems "meh", you know?
  4. Things I already know, but thanks for trying at least. Making all of the images for these would make the mod download quite erm... Large... Due to the amount of customization choices there are, sadly. Though I wanted to make it more interesting and actually have the weapon visually change depending on what you have equipped to it.
  5. Well basically I'm trying to make a more complex weapon system that requires multiple textures for the weapons since I don't feel like creating 100's of images for each weapon combination... Is there any good way to go about this?...
  6. Quite an annoying little problem.
  7. My folder structure is just fine, though I appreciate the input. My packaging goes "tynarus.theinfectionmod.*" with the folder structure inside my ZIP file being "tynarus/theinfectionmod/*", so I believe that to be correct. Had been for my other revisions anyways. I see alot of different errors. For example: "class format exception" you might have a duplicate class. Also, are you using Eclipse or notepad ++? I've looked through everything and haven't seen any duplicates, I read over the errors for awhile and looked at everything for quite awhile as well and didn't come across anything I found as problematic sadly. I'm using eclipse, and it works just fine there.
  8. My folder structure is just fine, though I appreciate the input. My packaging goes "tynarus.theinfectionmod.*" with the folder structure inside my ZIP file being "tynarus/theinfectionmod/*", so I believe that to be correct. Had been for my other revisions anyways.
  9. Title says it all. My mod seems to only work in eclipse as of 1.5.1, when I've had no problems with it in the past. Here's the error log: Yes, EntityInfectedVillager is there and in the correct place. Works fine in eclipse, but suddenly not when I actually go to install it anymore. Worked fine on my last update, though that was 1.4.6. Can anyone throw me a lifeline? Thanks.
  10. I figured, but it seemed more like a bug to me since it worked in all versions up until the latest.
  11. Alright, something I found odd. No errors in the console or anything but... My projectiles no longer load their textures. They still work and everything, but the texture no longer appears. This worked fine in all versions of Forge that I used up until the 1.4.4 release, including all of the 1.4.2 ones... But now suddenly has stopped working. Here's some code from it: int index = RenderingRegistry.addTextureOverride("/gui/items.png" , Constants.getImgDir() + "entity/beeferslime.png"); int id = EntityRegistry.findGlobalUniqueEntityId(); EntityRegistry.registerGlobalEntityID(EntitySlimeBall.class, "BeeferSlimeBall", id); EntityRegistry.registerModEntity(EntitySlimeBall.class, "Beefer SlimeBall", id, infection, 64, 1, true); RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler(EntitySlimeBall.class, new RenderSnowball(index)); And I am preloading the texture as well, so I know it's not that. It'll most likely be something stupid that's entirely my fault, but I thought I'd bring it up incase it isn't my fault. Forge Version: 6.3.0 for Minecraft 1.4.4
  12. Got it to work automatically by placing it into a few other methods. Thanks for all the help!
  13. Ohhh, thanks again! What do you think would be a good number for the tick rate for this sort of thing? I've not really messed with ticks on MC yet, not sure on how they work. 20 world ticks per second, a setting of 4 would tick 5 times a second. It depends on how responsive you want the effect to be. Alright, seems to work for the most part. Thanks very much, helped with a ton of things. EDIT: The only problem now is that it only starts the updates when I place the block. When I log off and come back into the world it won't do it automatically if a block is already placed.
  14. Ohhh, thanks again! What do you think would be a good number for the tick rate for this sort of thing? I've not really messed with ticks on MC yet, not sure on how they work.
  15. Thank you! That got it to work somewhat, though it only seems to work once when the block is placed, and doesn't work anymore after that.
  16. I'm getting the visual but not the damage. I haven't set anything telling it to be client only, though. Your hook is random display tick, this is client only. You need to schedule a block update. Ahh, I figured it would be something like that when you mentioned client only. Bummer, I wasted a lot of time there. How would I go about making the block update?
  17. I'm getting the visual but not the damage. I haven't set anything telling it to be client only, though.
  18. Guh, this is a really annoying bug, and it's holding me up. The entity will catch file, but still won't take any damage... I'd honestly be happy if I just got the entity to die or something from being within range.
  19. Certainly helpful (and I didn't know that, so thanks. ), but it doesn't solve the main problem. The entity catches on fire just fine but... Doesn't take any damage from it? That's the real problem I'm having.
  20. Hello! I'm currently making a block that will find all entities of a certain type within a 5 block radius and set them on fire. ...However the fire will not appear to stay on or take any damage... Here's my code from my block's class: private void findEntitiesToBurn(World world, int x, int y, int z) { float distance = 5.0F; List entityList = world.getEntitiesWithinAABB(EntityInfected.class, AxisAlignedBB.getBoundingBox(x - distance, y - distance, z - distance, x + distance, y + distance, z + distance)); Entity entity; for(Iterator iterator = entityList.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); burnEntity(entity)) { entity = (Entity)iterator.next(); } } private void burnEntity(Entity entity) { if(!entity.isBurning()) { theEntity.setFire(; } } public void randomDisplayTick(World world, int x, int y, int z, Random random) { findEntitiesToBurn(world, x, y, z); } It sets the entity on fire... But the fire flickers and the entity won't take any damage... Can anyone help me with this? Thanks.
  21. Got it sorted out. Turns out the mobs were just spawning in the biomes that the "basic 12 biomes" didn't cover, and I used the ModLoader addSpawn to make the new mobs spawn... And everything works!
  22. The removes are in a separate method that is called in the init method, so I can keep it less cluttered. The addSpawns are still inside the init method, though. Neither work. When I was using the ModLoader versions they seemed to work somewhat. Though monsters still spawned in dark places... Hence I tried switching to the EntityRegistry methods to see if they would fix that, but they didn't work at all... EDIT: Thanks for the response, by the way.
  23. Anyone? Sorry for the double post, I'm just anxious to get my mod updated to 1.4.2 and continue development on it.
  24. Hello all! I'm new to Forge (obviously) and recently switched over from ModLoader. Anyways, my mod removes a lot of the vanilla mobs and adds a few new ones, but the addSpawn and removeSpawn methods in EntityRegistry don't seem to be working for me... There are no errors, yet they don't... Work. Some code: EntityRegistry.removeSpawn(EntityPig.class, EnumCreatureType.creature, WorldType.base12Biomes); EntityRegistry.addSpawn(EntityWalker.class, 50, 5, 20, EnumCreatureType.monster); Would really appreciate some help with this, thanks!
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