Hello, I'm relatively new to modding but not java, and i was trying to add new items and blocks. Everything is working so far, except the creativetab part. I can get my items with /give, but they are just not showing in my creative tab. I am creating the creativetab like so:
modTab = new ModTab("testmod", wrench);
, and my ModTabs constructor is:
public ModTab(String label, Item i) {
tabIcon = i;
I register my items with a method called 'register', and inside that it registers them to gameregistry and sets the creativetab:
private void register(Item item){
GameRegistry.registerItem(item, item.getUnlocalizedName());
. I also have one for blocks, the same but with registerBlock. Any help would be appreciated!
P.S. Sorry for formatting issues, new to forum