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  1. I have successfully got this working with all your guys help, thank you! Code used to achieve this: BlockSeaweed.class: BlockSeaweed.json (assets>blockstates): seaweed.json (assets>models>block): https://s21.postimg.org/fxqng6zzb/2016_10_23_13_54_51.png[/img]
  2. But i thought it is set to level 0? or is that something different if so, whats the circumstance of [level=6] ?
  3. Here you go this is from start to finish (when i join the world and place the seaweed)
  4. Okay i have applied the things you have all said and this is what i have; - The seaweed does not crash when it water - Rendering issues Is there meant to be a special way of doing water blocks in the .json files? I tried looking at the vanilla files for what they did in water/lava but found nothing. BlockSeaweed.class: BlockSeaweed.json (assets>blockstates) seaweed.json (assets>models>block)
  5. Thank you everyone for your help im going to test it now and give you an update!
  6. Hello guys! Im really stuck on this one, i don't know how to make a block that can go underwater and not show the flowing water. I had an idea of creating a new liquid block that looks like seaweed but when i place it the game crashes. Thanks in advance!
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