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Posts posted by trollworkout

  1. For starter I recommend looking at bow and how it uses arrows from inventory. Try to make a variation of the bow but make it a pistol model + bullet arrows. Once you figured all that then I recommend figuring it out how to do a gui overlay. Then you can keep expanding on the pistol bow until you get what you want. 

  2. Your structure is 3 blocks by 3 blocks, there's no....room to shift things about.


    I mean like 4 fake air blocks that have a bounding box. Whenever you place the 3 x 3 x 1 structure it produces a center block that's full and then the fake air blocks around it with various bounding boxes. Then I can move the fake air blocks around the center . They would have to be Tile Entities i guess.

  3. You realize that all bounding boxes in Minecraft are cuboid, right?


    Yeah I am aware of that. But I was thinking 4 blocks can be moved around and made to orbit a center. So even if they are cuboid they can still be made to fake a nice rounded circular motion like a windmill sail would do.


    For a waterwheel I can get 8 blocks to orbit around 4 full blocks and 4 stair like blocks . The motion generated would look natural enough to seem circular.

  4. related to this http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php?topic=43631.msg232661#msg232661



    I got a model that is 48  x 48 x 16. Some pieces are bigger than 16 x 16 but most MC texures are 16 size.


    Say oak plank texture is 16 x 16


    If I have an element that is 32 x 5 then in json if I wanna uv map the 32 size  it will only show 16 in game and the rest of 16 is gonna be glitchy randomly picked texture from whatevr is nearby in memory. 


    Is there a way to repeat a texture on an element?



    I figure one way would be to re-create the models as 32 x 32 or bigger but it always has to be multiples of 4 which it gets silly if i wanna say create a 33x33 i need a 64 x 64 tex. Not only I create these useless extra textures but what if I wanna randomly generate say wood parts from other mods. There's no way I already have the tex prepared.


    Another way I figure is split elements in 16 x16 pieces but that's even more annoying . I guess it would work but silly as heck.



  5. It appears you guys are both correct


    While the model can indeed be 3 x 3 x 3 max..the bounding box is actually max 1.5 x 1.5 x 1.5 HA! sadface


    I will have to use "technical blocks"



    SADLY or LUCKILY (depending on how I use this) my windmill/waterwheel is a circular shape bounding box. 




    For the cheater mode I can simply make a hexagonal type bounding box that is always  the same. This would work well for waterwheel.


    For super cheater mode I can create a bounding box for center axle and have the windmill sails. Windmill would work fine for this 1.


    For accurate motion I can create 4 technical blocks + tiled entity that spin around the main axle as fast as the model spins around which would be controlled by yet another 5th axle tile entity. This would create accurate 4 sail cross windmill sails motion 100%


  6. seems like blocks can support a max 3 x 3 x 3 model which includes  collisions bounding boxes and all the basics.


    i think any model bigger than that size will have weird artifacts and glitches and lighting issues. at least that what i was told. but anything under is fine.


    some functions work only for 1 block size  for example cactus function to hurt entities only works when you step inside the 1 block center. there's no way to have custom bounding boxes for a cactus bigger than 1 block. and there are other functions with similar issues.



    another problem is a 3 x 3 x 3 block only occupies a 1 block in the real world so you can in fact place stuff right beside it. one way to fix this i guess it to make a custom air block that registers as a full block so nothing can be placed there. i dunno i gotta figure this out still

  7. I agree with comment above. In fact I learned how to create stuff simply by copying vanilla code.


    Forge is very helpful in that it actually shows you how MC is coded something that would be hard to do normally since everything is obfuscated. So instead of just doing things after tutorial just actually look trough forge/mc vanilla code.


    All blocks are registered in Block class


    Search for reed or tall grass see how is done there


    Ctrl + click on a class name to open it up in a new tab  in Eclipse. read trough try to do the same

  8. I need to make a huge blocks devices like Waterwheel and Windmill.


    Is 1 block thin and 3 blocks long x 3 blocks tall.



    But how can I make it because Block only supports normal block size no? Can i use a regular block. Because I also need to make the bounding box and also I need to make it rotate from the center.


    For a multiblock structure of that kind, you use a central block (containing a tile entity with a model, = the waterwheel) and fake blocks around it which are invisible but have collision, so they block the space.


    For a multiblock forming/unforming code you will need tileentities in your fake blocks too. I would use a Master TileEntity in the middle and slave Tileentities around it. How exactly you code the multiblock depends on how you want it to function. should it be built by the player? Or only one block should be placed and the fake blocks spawn automatically?



    SO it appears a block can in fact support  a max of 3 x 3 x 3 model. I turns out my model is just a tad bit under 3 blocks.


    my model is in fact 22.5 -> -22.5 which makes it 45 x 45 x 16 just under 48 x 48 x 48 max that a block can support.


    I think a tiled entity is a must for custom animation rotation tho.


    I think I lucked out that I didn't make my model too big



    I got a waterwheel and a windmill both pretty much same thing . Rotating devices one water powered one wind powered. Both are under 3 x 3 x 1 and both rotate and function pretty much same one. If I get to figure one out the other is 90% done.

  9. Ok thanks for the help.


    1 is done right now I m gonna stick with that I got i think is the only way i figured this out


    2. i gotta figure out this reflection


    for 3 i'm gonna have to make some crazy stuff  because i wanna keep furnace compatible with any other mod. most other mods will expect furnace to be a FurnaceBlock with a FurnaceTileEntity attached to it.


    I am thinking I may have to create a custom furnace that extends FurnaceBlock and a custom tile entity that extends FurnaceTileEntity but add my own hooks into it. And perhaps either  put my own furnace whenever i place my custom blocks around it OR just fully replace the furnace altogether via alias. Not many mods replace vanilla blocks. I already replace Cauldron and I may also do it to Furnace because is very common block to tap into and it really REALLY needs more hooks.

  10. More proof of what I said forge spec is confusing.


    Forge model should be an extension of vanilla json specs and not add it's own blocks. They seem extra and confusing.


    I'd rather see all that extra functionality as as properties on blocks that already exist.


    That's my humble opinion. I appreciate the work everyone has done here so mind you this is just my humble opinion as a user.

  11. IMHO I don't like the current forge-model spec 1 blockstate AND model. Is confusing as heck. I understand it's usefulness and I have debated using it a couple of time but I always o back to vanilla json specs. Choonster is been kind enough to educate people but I don't think everyone fully understands everything about forge blockstate.


    This spec 2 seems quite alien as well and quite confusing as 1 was. Just being honest.


    For ex here is Vanilla MC coarse dirt



        "variants": {
            "normal": { "model": "coarse_dirt" }



        "parent": "block/cube_all",
        "textures": {
            "all": "blocks/coarse_dirt"


    Here is same block as forge 1 spec 

        "forge_marker": 1,
        "defaults": {
            "textures": {
                "all": "blocks/coarse_dirt"
            "model": "cube_all",
            "uvlock": true
        "variants": {
            "normal": [{


    Why so complicated?



    I suggest making forge spec 2 a supplement of vanilla blockstate instead of it's whole new thing. 


    For ex say I wanan render same block above on the translucent layer


        "variants": {
            "normal": { "model": "coarse_dirt", "translucent" : 1 }


    The idea is the forge's own blockstate/json simply adds stuff to vanilla specs and by default every forge json would work vanilla + forge extensions so you would not need forge_marker.



    Also you can in fact combine them hierarchically like forge would do like for ex both of those could be 

        "variants": {
            "normal": { 
              "parent": "block/cube_all",
              "textures": {
                 "all": "blocks/coarse_dirt" 
              "translucent" : 1 


    Or may be even "layer" : "translucent"


    the point is everything forge has to offer can be added on top of current MC json spec rather than have it be it's own thing it's whole new thing.

  12. In fact i have 3 goals!!


    GOAL 1: Every  single time a Furnace situated right beside  (on the same level N S E W) my Deposits VAT produces a new Iron or Gold ingot  then have the Deposits Vat produce a random deposit.


    I go this working. I do this is I get the FurnaceTileEntity and I check every 40 ticks for output and do stuff if output is more than before. WORKS but feels kinda the long way around.  Is there a better way?


    GOAL 2: When I place a Steam Heater block near a Furnace increase cook speed and provide fuel to the furnace meaning that it won't need coal no more.


    This may work by tapiing into the furnace tile entity and provide it fuel by manually adding fuel every dozen ticks or so keeping even affecting cook time.


    GOAL 3: When I place Steam heater have the Furnace produce steamed meat instead of regular meat. And when I got Billows placed have the furnace able to produce Wrought Iron. If no billows Wrought Iron cannot be produced.


    Now GOAL 3 seems to be impossible without some next level hooks. Essentially it means the Furnace has a selective recipe that only works if there's a Billows attached. 

  13. Right now I am looking for FurnaceTileEntity and I just manually check every second to see if a a new item got smelted comparing previous items to new items. Not ideal but is the only way I found.


    is there some kind of event that fires when a new item gets smelted? 


    also what about fuel hooks?


    the only way I can figure this out is by tapping into the TileEntity and directly changing the properties of the Furnace.


    i am asking if there is a better way to handle furnaces other than checking every second for changes the hardcore way.

  14. So I have extended (substitution alias) vanilla Cauldron so I can use it to produce a few things in my mod  ike various magical items, magical brews and even stuff like beer wort etc. 


    The block is already extended and functioning. I'm just gonna add the mixing system in conjuction with a custom  IRecipe.


    But I wanna be able to change the color of the water in the Cauldron to whatever colour I want based on what's in it.  I want ideally something like R G B  (0 - 15  maybe) as part of the custom recipe straight from Java.

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