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Everything posted by z1995z

  1. Well, it was kinda cheat. I knew when crosshair was drew so I redrew new one and was returning false for showCrosshair(). Anyway, I got hang of RenderGameOverlayEvent and Im able to draw text etc but I have no success converting old method. WorldRenderer tessellator = Tessellator.getInstance().getWorldRenderer(); tessellator.startDrawingQuads(); tessellator.setColorRGBA_F(r, g, b, .5f); tessellator.addVertexWithUV(par1 + 0, par2 + par6, this.zLevel,(par3 + 0) * f, (par4 + par6) * f1); tessellator.addVertexWithUV(par1 + par5, par2 + par6, this.zLevel,(par3 + par5) * f, (par4 + par6) * f1); tessellator.addVertexWithUV(par1 + par5, par2 + 0, this.zLevel,(par3 + par5) * f, (par4 + 0) * f1); tessellator.addVertexWithUV(par1 + 0, par2 + 0, this.zLevel, (par3 + 0)* f, (par4 + 0) * f1); Tessellator.getInstance().draw(); What I got trying to convert it: VertexBuffer tessellator = Tessellator.getInstance().getBuffer(); tessellator.begin(GL11.GL_QUADS, DefaultVertexFormats.BLOCK); tessellator.putColorRGB_F(r, g, b, (int) .5f); tessellator.pos(par1 + 0, par2 + par6, this.zLevel); tessellator.tex((par3 + 0) * f, (par4 + par6) * f1); tessellator.pos(par1 + par5, par2 + par6, this.zLevel); tessellator.tex((par3 + par5) * f, (par4 + par6) * f1); tessellator.pos(par1 + par5, par2 + 0, this.zLevel); tessellator.tex((par3 + par5) * f, (par4 + 0) * f1); tessellator.pos(par1 + 0, par2 + 0, this.zLevel); tessellator.tex((par3 + 0) * f, (par4 + 0) * f1); Tessellator.getInstance().draw();
  2. So there is no more easy understandable showCrosshair() method? I have to disable drawing/rendering of default crosshair and then with RenderGameOverlayEvent draw my own crosshair where I want? Sounds difficult as for starter..
  3. Thank you diesieben07, fixed everything related to these classes. One last thing I couldnt find for a while. Im trying to override showCrosshair() method. Previously it was in GuiIngame. Its still very complicated since I dont know how to properly compare codes.
  4. Im new in modding so I got myself open source simple mod from github and was learning from it. I could edit everything and then compile back to 1.8.9. Minecraft advanced forward so Im trying to update mod too. I updated forge, gradle but I also need to update code. I found most of class changes and fixed imports but there is few I cant find. net.minecraft.util.EnumWorldBlockLayer; net.minecraft.util.MovingObjectPosition; How I can find changes of class naming? I checked many tutorials how to port mods but didnt found anything about finding changes and correcting imports for right library. Please point me to right direction.
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