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  1. When you are a modpack creator on Curse or you have a custom modpack just for youself, it would be great to have that stupid and useless realms button that has no need when you have forge with 100 mods installed. Would you please add an option for that?
  2. EnderIO: 1.10.2-3.1.161 EnderCore: Minecraft: 1.10.2 Forge: Issue Description: Difficult to explain, but see the images to understand it. Better watch the videos too. When i extend the piston then wrench it, it gets a bug that it wrenches the block, means it rotates it. but when you replace the redstone signal it will return to normal. But, if your piston is rotated to a block and you update the redstone signal on and off again, you will see that the block disapears. It will do to any kind of block. Even bedrock. What happens: Images: How to break bedrock or any block: What you expected to happen: To not do a glitch, and to not destroy a block. Steps to reproduce: 1.Place down piston (any kind) 2.Place a redstone block at the corner of piston. meaning 1 block to the side, then 1 block up. 3.Wrench the extended piston. Tried to post it on EnderIO but it got rejected and said this was forges problem: https://github.com/SleepyTrousers/EnderIO/issues/3993#issue-200827096 Quote from the github said by HenryLoenwind: EDIT! This also works for 1.11.2, i tested it with a mod called Chisels & Bits. And using and item called Wooden Wrench, it can do the same thing. Note: what my conclusion is that it works with anything that can rotate a block. as HenryLoenwind said, that it is only asking a block to rotate. Info: Forge Version: forge- MCVersion: 1.11.2 Mod: Chisels & Bits by AlgorithmX2 Mod Version: 13.9
  3. Well, lets say i dont know what i am doing. When it comes to forge modding, im kinda a novice at this. What i want it to do is: When a Magma Block ENTITY iswet or is in water i want it to turn itself into another item that i created.
  4. Did this: [embed=425,349] EntityRegistry.registerModEntity(Blocks.MAGMA.getRegistryName(), MagmaEntity.class, "magma", 1899, this, 1, 1, false);[/embed] Seems i get the same error... I dont really know how to use this stuff really well...
  5. I looked thru some Entity Registering and i cant understand them. That means i do not know how to register the entity.
  6. I am trying to make so when a MagmaBlock hits water it will turn into MagmaIngot (Selfmade) but when i try to spawn it i get an error. EntityJoinWorldEventHandler Class: MagmaBlock class: I have [embed=425,349]MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(new EntityJoinWorldEventHandler());[/embed] in Post-Init What i get as output is alot of "Sending out signal: 1" and this error that is huge... http://pastebin.com/dWQcyCqe
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