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Everything posted by BoggyBolt

  1. Well, i want to see the mod, as i use it in my modpack, and think it's a cool mod, and, if you actually went to their website, you cant download the 1.10.2 version. its in dev.
  2. Tl;dr the mod compiled in the wrong version. I was trying to compile the BuildCraft 8.0.x mod, and finally managed to do it(I followed this tutorial: https://github.com/BuildCraft/BuildCraft/blob/8.0.x/README.md#compiling-and-packaging-buildcraft). I also asked about this on their forum for some assist, and they linked me to that tutorial and told me that when compiling i shouldn't be worried about the "This mapping 'snapshot_20170102' was designed for MC 1.11! Use at your own peril" warning, and that it should compile in 1.10.2 anyways. I did it and, when i placed the mod in the mods folder and ran the game, it gave me this error: http://i.imgur.com/3rkil3Z.png . So basically the mod compiled in 1.11.2 instead of 1.10.2, and i don't know how to fix this. Note that i'm not really a programmer, and it took me about a day to compile the mod properly.
  3. So i decided to uninstall and install minecraft, and miraculously it worked! So i thought of why it might not have worked, and i though because i didn't actually run forge without any mods, and because i had that mod and some other mods in a previous version, i just deleted them and placed new mods that work for 1.10.2.
  4. Before i write anything, i already found this exact problem on the forums, but i'm unable to reply, and it's in a different version: http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php?topic=42478.msg225765#msg225765 Basically, i started up the game with the mod IC2(exact version industrialcraft-2-2.6.142-ex110), and when the game is on "Initializing Mods Phase 3" and while loading the mod, it crashes, and gives me a log. Note that i tested with no other mods, forge versions(1.10.2) 2185, 2205, 2151 and latest for 1.10.0. What is interesting is, that the log contradicts the game files. http://pastebin.com/5yQj9PpB Short summary of the log: The IC2 config file contains an invalid entry for balance/recyclerBlacklist. Invalid value at line 63 (recyclerBlacklist = minecraft:glass_pane, minecraft:stick, minecraft:snowball, minecraft:snow_layer, minecraft:snow, IC2:blockScaffold). There is no item matching IC2:blockScaffold. If you look at this image http://i.imgur.com/l6TFxhy.png , you can see that it actually writes IC2:scaffold, NOT IC2:blockScaffold and i have went to the mods creators' forum, and they replied that everything about the mod is working properly.
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