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  1. FakePlayer requires a world argument, and if it's null, it will output an NPE.
  2. Hm.. that's going to make life a little difficult
  3. Yeah I looked at that before, but I found out it doesn't exist in 1.8.8.
  4. Interesting. There's no event that's thrown when a sound is sent to the client? There's got to be some sort of way to detect that.
  5. Possibly an event for sounds? Like the burp sound effect?
  6. I would update, but this mod's main purpose is to be more useful in PvP, which most servers use 1.8 for combat. The client has to be told about the potion effects, because how else would it color the thrown potion accordingly?
  7. Is there any event for when a player eats an item? This is a client side mod I am working on, and I need to listen to when the player running the mod eats an item, AND when someone on the server eats an item as well (as well as get the item they ate). (this is part of the last post I made, but is not the same question so I made a new post)
  8. Thanks, but for some reason `The method getPotion() is undefined for the type EntityPotion` is coming up. Any reason for this? I looked around in the methods for EntityPotion and couldn't find it. EDIT: Hold up, I just found getPotionDamage()... is this the potion ID?
  9. I'm currently using a EntityJoinWorldEvent event to get when a splash potion is thrown, but I can only manage to check if it is a EntityThrowable, how can I check if the EntityThrowable is a splash potion (and get the potion type)? EDIT: Note that this is a client side only mod
  10. Thank you for the clarification. Really do appreciate it
  11. I'm not even sure if they're aware. It's been down all day.
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