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Everything posted by oa10712

  1. Awesome, that worked. Thanks!
  2. Hello once again. Some additional progress has been made, but i am now stuck with a transparency issue. http://prntscr.com/f6eksl I am using BakedModels and am attempting to layer textures by having several quads on top of each other. Here is my model code: https://github.com/16ColorGames/SuperTechTweaks/blob/IBakedModels/src/main/java/com/sixteencolorgames/supertechtweaks/render/OreBakedModel.java, and the rest of the code is also available through github. If I swap the order that I create the quads, then the stone texture is displayed but the ore texture is completely blocked out.
  3. Where do you set the textures to use on those? I have 1 texture that I recolor using the setcolor method in GL, how would I color and layer those?
  4. because I have ~100 ores and each block can contain up to 7 ores. I'm not going to make a json for the 100^7 states that would take up
  5. Hello again, back with some more questions about rendering. I have a TileEntity that can contain multiple materials at once, but does not need to update every tick, an example of which is here: I am currently using a standard TESR to render this, with that code being here: https://github.com/16ColorGames/SuperTechTweaks/blob/master/src/main/java/com/sixteencolorgames/supertechtweaks/render/TESRBlockOre.java I have heard that FastTESRs can speed up performance, as well as IBakedModels, but there do not seem to be any tutorials for either online. Can someone help explain to me how to set up either of those?
  6. To anyone having similar issues, the Random passed in the generate method of classes implementing IWorldGenerator is chunk dependent, so all generation per chunk essentially "resets" the seed.
  7. Most of that was clean at one point, that was my attempt to fix it, the code gets much cleaner when i distribute test jars to people on my server to help find bugs. I will push a cleaner commit. The y value is handled within each of the generators to help in cases where multiple clusters are generated per chunk.
  8. Hey everyone, when I set up my ore generation system to spawn per chunk, it seems like several of my generators all decide to start their spawning at the same x and z value, causing what looks like a column of ore. Source for individual cluster generation: https://github.com/16ColorGames/SuperTechTweaks/blob/master/src/main/java/com/sixteencolorgames/supertechtweaks/world/WorldGeneratorCluster.java Source for super: https://github.com/16ColorGames/SuperTechTweaks/blob/master/src/main/java/com/sixteencolorgames/supertechtweaks/world/WorldGeneratorBase.java Screenshot example: http://prntscr.com/ewltbl This only seems to happen for clusters that only generate once per chunk or once every few chunks; clusters that generate multiple times per chunk seem to work just fine. For more background, I started this mod before COFH was up for 1.10.2, and I decided to make a few changes at the same time. I have a custom ore block that can contain up to 7 different kinds of ores in one, and breaking the block drops ore chunks for each of the contained ores. This functionality is working just fine.
  9. Did you ever find a solution? I am working on an ore generation system and am encountering a similar problem as you.
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