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Everything posted by jawsawn

  1. Well you guys weren't that helpful, I have figured it out for future references: if (Loader.isModLoaded("thermalfoundation")) {GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ShapelessOreRecipe(new ItemStack(Item.getByNameOrId("thermalfoundation:material"),2,132),"ingotIron")); }
  2. So how do I get my recipes to result in thermalfoundation items? And how do I use ForgeRegistries.ITEMS.getValue() In postinit? And how do I get the modname and the item name?
  3. I can't for some parts, like a recipe cant result in a oredict.
  4. I want to use Thermal Foundation's ingots as a recipe output in my mod. How can I do this?
  5. I have gone with the gotItemContainer and has ItemContainer way. And it works Thanks
  6. Can you explain more about overriding getContainerItem and hasContainerItem? Do I have to change my recipes with that?
  7. So I have to add @Override public boolean hasContainerItem() { return true; } @Override public ItemStack getContainerItemStack(ItemStack itemStack) { // copy our item. ItemStack returnItem = new ItemStack(itemStack.getItem(), 1, itemStack.getItemDamage()+1); For the item's class and all the other recipes these items been in turns into damaged recipes?
  8. Don't I have to boggle with durability decrease math with container item?
  9. It does matter when it comes to cross mod compat with autocrafting with IRecipe right? I'm planning to do like only 2 recipes where the item gets upgraded which should remove it. Also can you link me to "getContainerItem and hasContainerItem" example codes? Thanks for your support.
  10. Wow thanks it worked! Also any tips how can I cause some recipes to lower the tools durability?
  11. That sounds logical but where would I put it? OreDictionary.registerOre("stonePhis", ModItems.phis);
  12. That works but it doesn't work with already damaged items.
  13. I have a weak modding knowledge and a java noob, but I can work my way out if I get an example. So I added 3 different items to an oredict and I want to use them in a couple of shapeless crafting recipes. I also want them to take damage upon crafting. How do I achieve that? GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ShapelessOreRecipe(new ItemStack(Items.DIAMOND, 1),new ItemStack("stonePhis", 1 , OreDictionary.WILDCARD_VALUE),"ingotGold","ingotGold","ingotGold","ingotGold")); This is supposed to take any item from that oredict with any damage value but it expectedly doesn't work because you can't have quotation marks in Itemstack. So how do I get this to work and how do I damage it upon crafting?
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