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  1. Well, I wanted to play Dragon Block C and suddenly this appeared when I tried to use Forge 1.7.10, now I don't know what I can do, I tried searching on YouTube or Google and nothing so I decided to come here to try to solve it.
  2. here's my log ---> https://pastebin.com/EL7bq7UR pls help with this
  3. I am trying to play the 1.20.1 version of the Jujutsu Kaisen mod and it is crashing, here is the crash log: https://paste.ee/p/AMy3B
  4. I was trying to play with some mods and I ended up getting this crash report, It most likely has something to do with a mod going by my research but I still need some help. Not that good with stuff like this. Here is the crash report: https://pastebin.com/sX1gxnG9 Any help is appreciated!
  5. Could I get some help with this please? Because every time I try to run this modpack I get Exit code -1 with this report https://paste.ee/p/TgR08
  6. Hi there, after recently creating a custom server for my friends and I to play on, I noticed that several of the mods were corrupted and weren't loading all of the necessary details and blocks to make its object. We had used DeceasedCraft as a test and every time we loaded the server, it would corrupt the surrounding areas and never spawn the full cities as it is supposed to. I tested the mods on a singleplayer server and it worked amazing, everything loaded in and ran perfectly fine. I have found that it is not the placement of mods that is causing it to corrupt but I am genuinely confused as to what I am doing wrong here. If anyone could assist me further with this and allow me to officially open my server to me and my friend group. Thank you
  7. I keep getting this Error when starting minecraft: Crash report Here. Debug Log Here
  8. org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.throwables.MixinTransformerError: An unexpected critical error was encountered I keep getting this error and I just cant figure it out. I have too many mods, and I have gone through them but I have not found what the problem is. I'm using create and that's usually buggy, but this is the worst I have had. It loads and then crashes with this error. Full Crash Report
  9. When i try starting my game it crashes while Initializing the game I already tried to find the mod thats causing this but i could not find it here are the logs:https://www.mediafire.com/file/wdpmd6ppyjfcowh/latest.log/file
  10. Trying to make a, larger, custom pack, every attempt to boot fails(haven't been able to get it to launch at all), can't really understand the log and would like some help (and/or clarification if possible). Not related to the issue but if you find any mods that have been know to cause issues/unnecessary bloat, please let me know so I can remove them; Many thanks! Latest Crash: https://pastebin.com/Sg50RSt1 Latest Debug: https://paste.ee/p/hI8Ba
  11. Error: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair.getLeft()" because the return value of "java.util.Map.get(Object)" is null Exit Code: -1 Crash Report: https://paste.ee/p/Stqy1
  12. I tried to run MC 1.19.2 with forge ver 43.3.0 and it said that my "Mods.toml" is missing. log: https://pastebin.com/KUihWVWX
  13. I'm trying to make a modpack, but it crashes every time. What's the problem? https://pastebin.com/BWN9E4Tm
  14. Здравствуйте, мы с другом решили поиграть в сборку Техномага. Пока мы играли, все было хорошо, но когда вышел мой друг, мне захотелось еще немного поиграть и построить шахту. Я спустился по лестнице и нашел спаунер скелетов и 2 сундука, и мне захотелось открыть 1 из них. , а когда пошел за вторым и открыл 2, то выбросил. Когда я снова вхожу в мир и открываю тот сундук, меня не выкидывает и я спокойно забираю добычу из сундука. Потом я иду дальше исследовать шахту и меня бросил пещерный паук в лаву. Я умираю, нажимаю кнопку оживления и меня снова выбрасывают. Потом я отправился исследовать мир и через некоторое время наступила ночь и на меня напал маленький зомби, я даже не успел его ударить как игра вылетела. Список модов: Ботания Промышленность Вышеупомянутая Магия крови Дополнительный Зачарованный Шахтер EvilCraft ProjectE Механики Конструкт Мистическое Сельское хозяйство PlantTech 2 Описания чар Биомы O' Plenty TerraForged Железные сундуки Hwyla Достаточно предметов (JEI) вот мои журналы https://pastebin.com/JfweXQqC
  15. Minecraft crashes everytime I open it, this is the latest log: https://paste.ee/p/qyUhf
  16. Can someone help me i don't know what these errors means I've already did what i know https://pastebin.com/Qf2m9rqX
  17. it show this error log when i'm starting the game https://paste.ee/p/IDfKU i need some help, thank you !
  18. So I was updating my modlist, and apparently Essential requires the javafml language of 33? (I'm playing on 1.20.1 and the version is for it, so I don't get it), I don't see why I'm getting this error now since I didn't update Essential at all but, alright I guess, here's the logs. https://paste.ee/p/WZdWj
  19. Hi, i made a custom modpack (57 mods) but i cannot past the first loading screen, i just get this crash: https://paste.ee/p/qcklB
  20. https://gist.github.com/Helpmepls404/eadada92f5f610303bc923a117eb3f9a
  21. My log can be found here: https://paste.ee/p/C3oKj None of the errors are causing my game to crash, but they are quite annoying. Plus, I seem to be having issues generating loot tables in modded structures. Any help would be appreciated. If I posted this in the wrong place or if there is somewhere better I could have posted this, then please let me know. Thank you.
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