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Posted (edited)



Note the clouds being rendered in front of the beam texture.

I am accomplishing this by extending RenderType to add my own static RenderType provider method:

public static RenderType getBeam(ResourceLocation locationIn) {
        RenderState.TextureState renderstate$texturestate = new RenderState.TextureState(locationIn, false, false);
        return RenderType.makeType("beam", DefaultVertexFormats.ENTITY, 7, 256, false, true,


Is there a way to get around this? Or should I just not be rendering translucent things willy nilly?

Edited by Woodside
clarification of issue in title

Actually it does not seem to have to do with the RenderType being transparent as even a fully opaque vanilla one still has clouds on top.


Here's the EntityRenderer class:

public class BeamAttackRenderer extends EntityRenderer<BeamAttackEntity>
    public static final ResourceLocation BEAM_TEXTURE = new ResourceLocation(CelticShift.MOD_ID, "textures/entity/lightning_beam.png");
    private static final RenderType BEAM_RENDERTYPE = ModRenderType.getEntityNoOutline(BEAM_TEXTURE);

    public BeamAttackRenderer(EntityRendererManager renderManager) {

    public ResourceLocation getEntityTexture(BeamAttackEntity entity) {
        return BEAM_TEXTURE;

    public void render(BeamAttackEntity entityIn, float entityYaw, float partialTicks, MatrixStack matrixStackIn, IRenderTypeBuffer bufferIn, int packedLightIn) {
        super.render(entityIn, entityYaw, partialTicks, matrixStackIn, bufferIn, packedLightIn);

        if (entityIn.getLifeTicksRemaining() > 0) {
            float f6 = (float)(entityIn.getTo().getX() - entityIn.getPosX());
            float f8 = (float)(entityIn.getTo().getY() - entityIn.getPosY());
            float f9 = (float)(entityIn.getTo().getZ() - entityIn.getPosZ());
            func_229059_a_(f6, f8, f9, partialTicks, entityIn.ticksExisted, matrixStackIn, bufferIn, packedLightIn);

    public static void func_229059_a_(float X, float Y, float Z, float partialTicks, int lifeTicks, MatrixStack matrixStackIn, IRenderTypeBuffer renderTypeBuffer, int packedLight) {
        float f = MathHelper.sqrt(X * X + Z * Z);
        float length = MathHelper.sqrt(X * X + Y * Y + Z * Z);
        matrixStackIn.translate(0.0D, 2.0D, 0.0D);
        matrixStackIn.rotate(Vector3f.YP.rotation((float)(-Math.atan2(Z, X)) - ((float)Math.PI / 2F)));
        matrixStackIn.rotate(Vector3f.XP.rotation((float)(-Math.atan2(f, Y)) - ((float)Math.PI / 2F)));
        IVertexBuilder ivertexbuilder = renderTypeBuffer.getBuffer(BEAM_RENDERTYPE);
        float texBase = ((float)lifeTicks + partialTicks) * -0.1F;
        float texLength = length / 16.0F + texBase;
        float sqrt2_2 = (float)Math.sqrt(2.d)/2.f;
        MatrixStack.Entry matrixstack$entry = matrixStackIn.getLast();
        Matrix4f matrix4f = matrixstack$entry.getMatrix();
        Matrix3f matrix3f = matrixstack$entry.getNormal();

                .pos(matrix4f, sqrt2_2, sqrt2_2, 0.0f)
                .color(255, 255, 255, 255)
                .tex(0.0f, texBase)
                .normal(matrix3f, 0.0F, -1.0F, 0.0F).endVertex();
                .pos(matrix4f, sqrt2_2, sqrt2_2, length)
                .color(255, 255, 255, 255)
                .tex(0.0f, texLength)
                .normal(matrix3f, 0.0F, -1.0F, 0.0F).endVertex();
                .pos(matrix4f, -sqrt2_2, -sqrt2_2, length)
                .color(255, 255, 255, 255)
                .tex(1.0f, texLength)
                .normal(matrix3f, 0.0F, -1.0F, 0.0F).endVertex();
                .pos(matrix4f, -sqrt2_2, -sqrt2_2, 0.0f)
                .color(255, 255, 255, 255)
                .tex(1.0f, texBase)
                .normal(matrix3f, 0.0F, -1.0F, 0.0F).endVertex();

                .pos(matrix4f, -sqrt2_2, sqrt2_2, 0.0f)
                .color(255, 255, 255, 255)
                .tex(0.0f, texBase)
                .normal(matrix3f, 0.0F, -1.0F, 0.0F).endVertex();
                .pos(matrix4f, -sqrt2_2, sqrt2_2, length)
                .color(255, 255, 255, 255)
                .tex(0.0f, texLength)
                .normal(matrix3f, 0.0F, -1.0F, 0.0F).endVertex();
                .pos(matrix4f, sqrt2_2, -sqrt2_2, length)
                .color(255, 255, 255, 255)
                .tex(1.0f, texLength)
                .normal(matrix3f, 0.0F, -1.0F, 0.0F).endVertex();
                .pos(matrix4f, sqrt2_2, -sqrt2_2, 0.0f)
                .color(255, 255, 255, 255)
                .tex(1.0f, texBase)
                .normal(matrix3f, 0.0F, -1.0F, 0.0F).endVertex();



  • Woodside changed the title to [1.15.2] Custom Rendered Quads Not Layering With Clouds Properly

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