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Posted (edited)

Hi everyone, I wanted to create a new type of recipe for my mod, So I created a new class for the recipe, with the serializer, I have no problems at all, just that I have an error saying "Parsing error loading recipe alcamod:argentite_sword_forging" and "Invalid or unsupported recipe type 'alcamod:forging'". I made sure to register the serializer with the deferred Register, registered the DeferredRegister with the mod event bus and the recipe Type with 

IRecipeType.register(Alcamod.ModID + "forging")

I also made sure that my recipe json is correct, with the right type and so on. But the game is still throwing the same error. Can someone please help me ? I looked everywhere on the forums but found nothing that solved my problem.


Here is my Serializer :

public static class Serializer extends ForgeRegistryEntry<IRecipeSerializer<?>> implements IRecipeSerializer<ForgeRecipe> {

		public ForgeRecipe read(
			ResourceLocation recipeId,
			JsonObject json) {
			Ingredient base = Ingredient.deserialize(JSONUtils.getJsonObject(json, "base"));
			Ingredient compressor = Ingredient.deserialize(JSONUtils.getJsonObject(json, "compressor"));
			ItemStack result = ShapedRecipe.deserializeItem(JSONUtils.getJsonObject(json, "result"));
			return new ForgeRecipe(recipeId, base, compressor, result);

		public ForgeRecipe read(
			ResourceLocation recipeId,
			PacketBuffer buffer) {
			Ingredient base = Ingredient.read(buffer);
			Ingredient compressor = Ingredient.read(buffer);
			ItemStack result = buffer.readItemStack();
			return new ForgeRecipe(recipeId, base, compressor, result);

		public void write(
			PacketBuffer buffer,
			ForgeRecipe recipe) {

My JSON recipe:

  "type": "alcamod:forging",
  "base": {
    "item": "minecraft:netherite_sword"
  "compressor": {
    "item": "alcamod:tools_compressor_tier_1"
  "result": {
    "item": "alcamod:argentite_sword"

And the registering:

public class ModRecipes {

	public static final DeferredRegister <IRecipeSerializer<?>> recipe_serializers = DeferredRegister.create(ForgeRegistries.RECIPE_SERIALIZERS,

	public static class Types {

		public static final IRecipeType<ForgeRecipe> FORGING = IRecipeType.register(Alcamod.ModID + "forging");

	public static class Serializers {

		public static final RegistryObject<IRecipeSerializer<?>> FORGING = recipe_serializers.register("forging", ForgeRecipe.Serializer::new);


Also the recipe:

public class ForgeRecipe implements IRecipe <IInventory> {
	private final Ingredient       base;
	private final Ingredient       compressor;
	private final ItemStack        result;
	private final ResourceLocation recipeId;

	public ForgeRecipe(ResourceLocation recipeId, Ingredient base, Ingredient compressor, ItemStack result) {
		this.recipeId = recipeId;
		this.base = base;
		this.compressor = compressor;
		this.result = result;

	public boolean matches(
		IInventory inv,
		World worldIn) {
		return this.base.test(inv.getStackInSlot(0)) && this.compressor.test(inv.getStackInSlot(2));

	public ItemStack getCraftingResult(
		IInventory inv) {
		return this.result.copy();

	public boolean canFit(
		int width,
		int height) {
		return width * height >= 3;

	public ResourceLocation getId() {
		return this.recipeId;

	public ItemStack getRecipeOutput() {
		return this.result;

	public ItemStack getIcon() {
		return new ItemStack(ModBlocks.FORGE_ITEM.get());

	public IRecipeSerializer <?> getSerializer() {
		return ModRecipes.Serializers.FORGING.get();

	public IRecipeType <?> getType() {
		return ModRecipes.Types.FORGING;


Thank you for your help, and if I missed something please tell me (Edit: added the recipe class)

Edited by bibouche_

The two nested classes are for organisation, not to mix up the type and the serializer. But ur right I can change the names to FORGING_TYPE and FORGING_SERIALIZER.

I register it in my main class :



Posted (edited)

Alright, unnesting the two nested classes seems to fix the issue, but I don't really understand why they are not loading btw

Edited by bibouche_

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