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Well, i make my blocks as usual,

public static final Block pointer = new BlockPointer(503, Material.iron).setHardness(1.0F).setResistance(3F);
public static final Block clockPole = new BlockClockPole(504, Material.iron).setHardness(1.0F).setResistance(2F);

//in init event
GameRegistry.registerBlock(pointer, "blockPointer");
GameRegistry.registerBlock(clockPole, "blockClockPole");
LanguageRegistry.addName(pointer, "Pointer");
LanguageRegistry.addName(clockPole, "Pole clock");

But... Idk why, both of them are named 'Pole clock', or 'Pointer' if i place addName(pointer, "Pointer") after addName(clockPole, "Pole clock")... Any ideas?

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I had a similar glitch, but once I added .setUnlocalisedName("namehere") to where I constructed the blocks, it's fine.


 public static final Block durt = new BlockDurt(666, Material.anvil).setHardness(1000.0F).setResistance(-1F).setUnLocalisedName("durt"); 

That shoooould work  ;)


I had a similar glitch, but once I added .setUnlocalisedName("namehere") to where I constructed the blocks, it's fine.


 public static final Block durt = new BlockDurt(666, Material.anvil).setHardness(1000.0F).setResistance(-1F).setUnLocalisedName("durt"); 

That shoooould work  ;)


Yes, you have to set the unlocalized name (Don't ask me why) for item names to work correctly.

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