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Should I have a TileEntity and Entity for a sittable block with a dynamic texture?


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I have a Wrench Item and when you shift-right click a block with it, it checks if it is a stair, then replaces it with a sittable stair. I haven't actually implemented the sitting functionality yet because I have read on the forums that to make a sittable block you create an entity and when the sittable stair is clicked make the player mount the entity, but I also would like to implement a dynamic texture (not sure if that is the right term) using tile entities so when the stair changes into a sittable stair its texture doesn't change. I am not sure if this is the most practical way to do this, and I would like to know if it would affect performance having a tile entity and entity for each sittable stair. Also would I be able to have just a tile entity or entity to accomplish this? Also I'm kind-of new to modding and my code isn't very good.

Wrench class:

public class WrenchItem extends Item
    public WrenchItem(Properties properties)

    public ActionResultType onItemUse(ItemUseContext context)
        // Useful variables
        World world = context.getWorld();
        BlockPos blockpos = context.getPos();
        BlockState blockstate = world.getBlockState(blockpos);
        PlayerEntity player = context.getPlayer();

        boolean flag = false;

        // On use
        if (player.isSneaking())
            // Shift right click
            // Tile entity for dynamic tex
            // Entity for sitting
            // Add custom use sound
            if (StairsBlock.isBlockStairs(blockstate) && !world.isRemote)
                world.setBlockState(blockpos, BlockInit.SITTABLE_STAIRS.get().getDefaultState()
                        .with(SittableStairsBlock.FACING, blockstate.get((StairsBlock.FACING)))
                        .with(SittableStairsBlock.HALF, blockstate.get((StairsBlock.HALF)))
                        .with(SittableStairsBlock.WATERLOGGED, blockstate.get((StairsBlock.WATERLOGGED)))
                        .with(SittableStairsBlock.SHAPE, blockstate.get((StairsBlock.SHAPE)))
                        , 1);

                flag = true;
            // Right click
            if (blockstate.getBlock() == Blocks.GRASS_BLOCK && !world.isRemote)
                world.setBlockState(blockpos, Blocks.DIRT.getDefaultState(), 1);

                flag = true;

        // Damages wrench when used, updates changed blocks, and plays use sound
        if (flag)
            context.getItem().damageItem(1, player, (Consumer) -> {player.sendBreakAnimation(context.getHand());});
            this.playUseSound(world, blockpos);
            world.notifyNeighborsOfStateChange(blockpos, blockstate.getBlock());

            return ActionResultType.SUCCESS;
            return ActionResultType.PASS;

    private void playUseSound(World worldIn, BlockPos pos)
        worldIn.playSound((PlayerEntity)null, pos, SoundEvents.ITEM_FIRECHARGE_USE, SoundCategory.BLOCKS, 1.0F, (random.nextFloat() - random.nextFloat()) * 0.2F + 1.0F);


Edited by The_Biggest_Noob
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